Chapter 12

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Note: So since there are only like three more chapters of this story left, I've decided to upload them all in one go, so you have three very long chapters of this story to read people. Yay. Hope you enjoy, and please comment and such to let me know what you think.


The beeping of the monitor shook me from my thoughts again and I realised just how tired I was. Sleeping while hunched over a hospital bed, with nothing but my head having comfort from the softness of the bed is very painful. Rubbing my eyes with my right hand makes me think back over the last two days.

My knuckles are feeling much better which is the best thing that has happened, but the good outweighs the bad. Firstly I have finally admitted to myself that I like Josh, maybe even love him, though it hurts because the one guy that seems like he wouldnt be an ass to me, I can't have because he is already taken. It's true when you say that the fittest guys are either gay or already taken. I rolled my eyes at myself and shake away thoughts of Josh which is hard because other than Taylor he's always on my mind. So much for my vow of focusing entirely on Taylor.

The other bad thing is that I'm avoiding everyone except Jeremy and Hayley. They don't know what happened between Josh and I since I won't tell them, but they know it must've been something big because I usually phone up one of the boys to see who's home before I go back for a few hours. If Josh happens to walk in while I'm there we force an act so that no one will notice, but I've got a feeling that our acting skills are poor, since I've had Toni, Elissa, Max and Dan ask me what's wrong between us. All of which I give the same answer that I'm tired and in a weird mood with everyone. They know to leave it alone afterwards. It makes me feel awful though because I kissed Josh back, when I knew he had a girlfriend which isn't fair on either of them. Then there's also the fact that I haven't told Elissa or Toni and I feel like such a horrible friend because we always share everything with each other, but I'm worried in case it makes things awkward with Elissa and I.

The final thing that has happened over the last two days is definitely the worst. Taylor has showed no signs of recovering, in fact according to the doctors his condition becomes worse every hour, though luckily he's been checked on four times today since I woke up and everyone is happy because his condition seems to have frozen. Which I suppose is good news as long as he can keep up the good work.

"Hey there. How is he?" I heard Hayley whisper as she quietly walked in before taking a seat on the chair next to me. I smiled at her just as Jeremy walked in as well. He walked straight over to me before hugging me tightly.

"He's fine. At least he's showing no signs of deterioration, which the doctors are happy with. His condition has frozen at the moment. Lets just hope that it can only get better from here" I recite what Doctor Newman told me and Hayley nods along with a smile on her face.

"It's good news at least" she smiled at me and I nod at her, "-how are you holding up?" she added and I look away from Taylor and into her green eyes, that go perfectly well with her face before shrugging at her.

"I'm okay I suppose. About as well as could be considering that I can't sleep."

My reply causes her and Jeremy to shake their heads at me while I smile at them. They keep telling me to go home during the night and get a good night's rest while they stay with Taylor for me, but each time I decline, since I want to be here when he wakes up. I want to be the first face, or at least one of the first, that he sees when he wakes up, even if that isn't comforting to him.

"I'm fine thank you" I replied as Jeremy stood up from his chair at the foot of Taylor's bed.

"I'm gonna get some drinks, do you want anything?" he announced to us. We smile and nod at him and he grinned before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

This Love's Contagious, So Catch It (Josh Franceschi)Where stories live. Discover now