MYSTERMANXREADER: Hellos and Goodbyes

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Soft tears stain her face, mascara stains the cheap fabric of the motel sheets.

He'll never love her, she's nobody to him. She hears the soft laughs of him with another one night stand.

Y/N loved him, Dean had no idea. He smiles softly as the girl snores into the pillows. She is the 3rd one this week to sleep next to him and he's damn proud.


I pull my backpack over my shoulders and climb into my 1965 red Mustang GT. The air is chilly and freezes the tears on my cheeks. The engine starts and more tears fall. I keep telling myself, don't look back. I drive for days before I finally reach Nevada. Goodbye Winchesters, it was nice knowing ya.

3rd person POV:

Y/N doesn't sleep for days. She feels trapped in her own mind, memories of the Winchesters and Castiel dance through her mind. She wants to forget them, yet they just won't leave her brain. Back at the bunker Dean doesn't notice the absence of Y/N, but Sam becomes worried.

"Dean, have you seen Y/N?" He says alarmed.


"You know, the short girl that's hopelessly in love with you, yet you're too big of a douchebag to realize. Ring any bells?" Sam says angrily. Dean just shakes his head and returns to his beer. Sam grumbles and slams the door determined to find you.

2 years later:

Sam looked everywhere for you for 4 months. He eventually gave up and returned to hunting with Dean. You had settled in Nevada as a waitress and were living in a small apartment. It was hard to get back on your feet, but you're doing okay. You still miss the boys. On a particularly rainy Tuesday, you wake up and head to your job at the local diner. Tying your apron around your waist, you grab a pot of coffee and head to Table number 8.

"Welcome to Earl's, what can I get ya?" You said pouring the man a cup of coffee.

"Can I get a short stack with a side of bac-"he stopped mid sentence.

"I'm sorry, what?" You glanced up from your notebook.



He stood up and wrapped you in a hug.

"You don't know how much I've missed you" He mumbled.

You smiled softly and poured his coffee, "hey I get off at 4 so maybe we can catch up?"

He nodded grinning from ear to ear. 

You got his order and when he finished eating you handed him the recipe. After you walked away Sam smiled as he read your note at the bottom. I missed you so much Sammy, call me at 4!! XOXO, y/n.

A/N: Hey guys!! So first of all, thanks so much for 600 READS!!! And second of all this is going to be a few parts, so I apologize this first part is so short! I felt really bad about the lack of updates and wanted to upload something quickly. I've been really busy with finals and holidays so I will try to be more active!!! Peace out, Sami.

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