SAMXREADER: umm this is not me

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"I really don't think it's a good idea to go after the witch." Sam said exhausted.

"Look, I get that you're tired but y/n and I can handle this." Dean replies through clenched teeth.

You sat on the motel bed nodding your head and drinking a beer. You had been hunting with the Winchesters for a few years now. You met them right around the time they met Castiel. Dean and Cass were family to you, but Sam was something more. You couldn't deny that you had feelings for him. Sure, he could be over protective and bossy sometimes, but you loved that about him.

Dean and Sam argued for awhile before Sam stomped out of the motel and started walking to the diner. Dean turned to you, " I say we have about two hours before Princess Sam comes back from pouting, so let's hurry up and get these sons of witches". You laughed at his joke but felt weird about going behind Sam's back. You listened to Dean anyways and the two of you loaded up Baby and headed to the warehouse.

You arrived at the warehouse and were outnumbered immediately. Dean was taken from behind and you were grabbed and blindfolded when you looked for him. When you could finally see, you were eye to eye with Rowena and three other young witches. Rowena laughed when she noticed who you were.

"My two favorite members of team free will! Where's Sammy and the handsome angel?" She said through a tight smile. You only stared at her with disgust.

"I see your not much of a talker today aye? Well since you want to barge in here when you don't even know if I'm doing anything wrong, I'd like to see the two of you walk a mile in someone else's shoes." With that statement you fell unconscious again. When you awoke you were back at the motel, laying on the pull out couch. As you started to emerge from the covers you heard a loud scream, you ran to the bedroom and saw yourself staring in the mirror. "What the f-" you started to say when the fake you turned around.

"Y/n please tell me that's you in my body." You nodded and almost cried when you saw yourself in the mirror. You and Dean had switched bodies.

"We can not tell Sam about this." He said slowly.


The two of you stayed mostly in each other's rooms for the day. For the most part the day was normal, peeing was interesting, but everything was normal until Sam came up to you.

"Dean, I'm sorry about being an ass yesterday. I'm just really worried about Y/n and I didn't want her to get hurt. I know we've talked about my feelings before and you always say it's weird because she's like family, but I think I love her."

You gasped and started blushing. "Oh! Um you should go for it, I'm sure she likes you back. So uh go for it! But not today!! Go for it tomorrow!!!" You sputtered. He nodded looking very confused and somewhat uncomfortable.

He gave another quick nod and went to bed. That night your mind and heart were racing. You thought of every scenario and took many hours to fall asleep.

When you awoke you almost fell off your bed you were so excited about Sam. But you were possibly more excited that you were in your own bed and your own body.

You ran to the library where you found Sam reading a book about Norse gods. When he looked up, you locked eyes with him and felt a smile creep onto your face. You sat next to him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"So, Sam I like you a lot." You said slowly.

He smiled and pulled you in for another kiss.

"I've been waiting years for that" He said breathlessly, "will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course"

A/N: this is so freaking cliche, like more cliche then every other cliche chapter in this book, but I kinda like it. Let me know what you think!! Remember I take requests!! Just comment below or dm me! -Sam✌️

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