SAMXREADER: another cliche

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 She weeps into her pillow. 

I will not be another effing cliche. I will not be another effing cliche.

 This phrase is repeated in her head over and over until her thoughts are drowned out by her weeping. 

"I'm an idiot! I'm an idiot! I'm an idiot who fell in love with her best friend!" She screams.

He downs his fourth glass of whiskey at the bar.

"I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot who fell in love with his best friend." He says to himself as he signals for the bartender to pour him another glass.

Three Weeks Earlier/Your POV:

"DEAN I'M GOING TO THE STORE" You yelled from the stairs of the bunker.

"Jesus Christ Y/N, I'm right here you don't need to yell." Dean says from the table, "Make sure you pick up a six pack, Sam will be home soon".

You grinned and headed to your car.

The store was crowded and it took you around an hour or so to find the items on your grocery list.  All you could think about was going home, you couldn't wait to see Sam. You threw a box of popcorn into the cart and mentally planed out a movie night. Sam was probably really tired after his hunt and a movie night would be perfect.


"Boys, I'm hooommmeee" You sang as you walked into the door.

"Y/N!!!" Sam yelled and than tackled you with a bear hug. You smiled and hug him back, breathing in his woodsy scent.

"Hey Sammy, How was the hunt? I missed you a ton!" 

"I missed you more, and it was okay. The witch was pretty crazy" He said with a laugh.

"Well, i'm glad you're home. Do you and Dean want to have a movie night? I picked up some popcorn when i was out." He nodded and helped you carry the grocery bags to the kitchen. 


You sat between the boys on the couch and turned on you all's favorite movie,  Footloose. The boys liked it because they got to see Julianne Hough in short-shorts and you like it because it was cheesy and romantic. As the movie came to an end and the popcorn was close to gone, Sam began to act extremely weird. He was fidgeting and seemed very anxious.

After the movie ended, Dean went to bed, and you went to talk to Sam.

"Sam, what was up with you tonight?"

"I was just anxious, because I'm in love with you." He says casually.

After the last word fell from his lips, both you and Sam's eyes went wide and he started profusely apologizing. "Y/N, I am so so sorry. I have no idea why that came out. Maybe Dean can help, he always helps me when i need advice about you. DAMMIT I DID IT AGAIN!!"

"Sam, Calm down."

"It's like I can't control what I'm saying, everything I say just blurts out." 

"So you truly love me?" you whispered.

"Yes, and I have for twelve years." He whispered back. You ran out of the room and threw yourself on your bed and began to weep.

Sams's POV:

What the hell is going on? The witch must have cursed me. I can't control what I say, and I just confessed my feelings for Y/N. 

Y/N. I should have known she wouldn't love me back.

3rd person POV:

 She weeps into her pillow.

I will not be another effing cliche. I will not be another effing cliche.

This phrase is repeated in her head over and over until her thoughts are drowned out by her weeping.

"I'm an idiot! I'm an idiot! I'm an idiot who fell in love with her best friend!" She screams.

He downs his fourth glass of whiskey at the bar.

"I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot who fell in love with his best friend." He says to himself as he signals for the bartender to pour him another glass.

A/N: sorry this ending was kind of sad. On a happier note, I found out I a going to Florida three different times this summer! I am going with my dad, my grandma, and my best friend. :D 

Did you guys know that I love Josh Dun? Cause I do.

I don't think I wrote about this, but I went to the Panic! at the disco concert in early April and it was amazing. I cried XD

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