Destiel pt.2

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Sam and (y/n) sat in silence. They sat side by side, hand and hand, with tears slowly running down their faces. Cas was missing and Dean had closed himself off from everyone. Cas was (y/n)'s best friend, and Dean was like her brother. Sam was without his two brothers. They didn't know where Cas was and they were terrified. They didn't know if he was dead or alive, if he was safe or on the run, they wanted their Cas and their Dean back.

Cas prayed to the angels for hours until Gabriel finally answered. "Brother please, I beg of you please help me return home" he pleaded.

"Castiel I cannot, for you have disgraced our name" Gabriel spat at his younger brother. Castiel was confused, was this the explanation for the loss of his powers and his distance from home? "Gabriel please help me, for i have no knowledge of my wrongdoings". Cas begged. Gabriel let out a sigh, "Brother you have succumb to the advances of a human. You have become infatuated with Dean Winchester". Cas felt his stomach drop, did his brethren truly not understand his love for the older Winchester? "Gabriel please, I love him" Cas began to cry. The older angel began to soften, he began to understand why Cas put himself in danger for the Winchester's. He smiled warmly at Cas and whispered a soft goodbye.


Sam placed a warm kiss on your forehead. You were typing away, trying to find Cas. You had searched at least thirty homeless shelter's websites and at least forty hotels with no luck. You smiled softly at Sam and closed your laptop. He laid down next to you on the bed and pulled you in to cuddle. You loved him more than you could put in to words, you began to feel sad imagining how dean felt without Castiel.


Cas woke up in the bushes surrounding the bunker. He was freezing and exhausted but he managed to pull himself off the ground. He quickly realized where he was and felt his heartbeat quicken, he raised his fist and knocked on the door. Dean answered the door with a gun pointed straight at Cas' forehead. As dean's eyes fell on Cas he began to tear up, he pulled his love into the tightest hug known to mankind and placed a million kisses on his neck and lips.


(One month later)

Cas and Dean hold hands as Dean drives Baby to the small restaurant. You had texted him to meet you and Sam there for dinner, but they didn't know the surprise you had planned. Dean and Cas walked in and sat across from you and Sam, the conversation flowed amazingly as it always did with the group and as you were finishing dessert, you knew it was time.

"Cas, Dean, we have something to tell you," you said smiling as they exchanged nervous glances. Sam grabbed your hand and the two of you smiled and said "we're having a baby!".

"YES I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" Dean yelled. The other customers smiled and hollered along with him. Cas laughed at his adorable boyfriend and gave you a hug. "We have one small favor to ask..." you whispered into Cas' ear. He nodded , "anything for you". You smiled and turned to your best friends and asked them to be the godparents of your child. They happily agreed and the rest was history!

(a/n; sorry this sucked, I lost motivation. Plz don't be a silent reader!! I take request!!)

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