Chapter 1

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6 months earlier

When I heard the call from Bruce, a loud roar that could only be heard by his betas, us, I was sleeping in the afternoon in summer, two weeks before school started. I got up and told my mom I had something urgent to do and before she could say anything, I was out the door and getting a motorcycle. When I got to the meeting place, a hotel called 'The view', I realized that I was late. I ran up and got to the table, breathless and saw 8 teenagers sitting there, waiting for me to get my shit together.

"Thank you for joining us, Aidan." I heard a deep voice at the head of the table. Without much thought, I knew it was Bruce, my alpha. before I could take a seat, I heard someone running behind me. I turned around to see my little sister, of all people running towards our table.

"What are you doing here! I told you you can't just follow me everywhere I go, Hannah." I said, annoyed if anything.

"You're not the only special one in your family, Aidan, calm your tits." Bruce replied for her. Chuckles scattered around the people sitting around him. I took my seat next to cocky looking guy who was wearing his shades and sliding back in his chair, clearly uninterested in what was going on and trying his best to show it. I looked over at Bruce and could see that he noticed it, but ignored it for the sake of our meeting.

"Alright guys, thank you for coming on such short notice, but I need to put this meeting together because it's time for you guys to learn the reason that you guys are the way you are." He said.

"Please enlighten us in what that is, since we're clearly oblivious to what we are." I said, a smirk on my face. He gave me a dirty look, perhaps a warning, and continued,

"I turned each of you at some point or another when you were younger for a reason that now needs to come into action."

He paused for a minute and looked around the room, lingering a little longer when he looked at me and then continued his speech.

"Turning you guys was an assignment that was given to my alpha, who was in his 60's at the time. Everyone in my pack respected him expect for me. He was a dick to me, so when I turned 10, I took my dad's gun and shot him with a silver bullet in the head. usually, you take on the transformation when you turn 13, but for me, I was an alpha since I was 10. That's when I build this team of people close to my age so, when the time came, I could call on you and I could finish my assignment."

"Thank you for the lovely life story, really touching, but what are we doing here?" I asked, started to get bored at his long speech. He took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"There's another pack that inhabits our neighboring country, Burundi, expect they are all clones, except the alpha. The thing that worries me is that they are clones of the best werewolves that ever lived. My old alpha, in his prime, killed their alpha and his son, who just died two weeks ago, said he would get his revenge. Not even a week after his funeral, the pack moved here, lead by the grandson of the alpha that was killed by my alpha."

"What does that have anything to do with us?" A girl asked. She was pretty, but looked like a know it all.

"The assignment was to turn descendants of the greatest warriors in Rwanda, hoping they could take on the pack that is coming from Burundi. I was hoping that they had forgiven and forgotten like they said they would, or attacked when we were all a little more older, but just my luck, we're all still in school."

"What makes you think we will go along with your plan?" I asked, to see if I could get him pissed off enough to turn.

"Someone leaked the mission information over to their pack, so they know who you are, and who your family is. So you can go home and say your goodbyes and stay with your family until they come and kill you, or you can fight back so your family can live a full life!" He said, starting to shout as he got to the end of his sentence. That shut me up really quickly. For the rest of the meeting, I kept quiet, but not really paying attention. We introduce ourselves. I caught most of the names, but ignored the rest. At the end of the meeting, Bruce made his closing statement in his motivational speech.

"I want you guys to go home and convince your parents to put you in Maplewoods Heights , so that we can live together train everyday together."

As my sister and I went back home, my mind was racing in what to tell my mom and how to explain to her that I needed to do this, even though it was going to bring an entire conversation about my father, who left us at a young age to join a pack in Burundi. Then I started to think that maybe the man they were talking about that come back to Rwanda for revenge was my father. I quickly dismissed that thought because that would bring more issues. The more I tried to think about anything else, that idea always came back, making me more miserable in what I had to do. Then I remembered a trick that my mom had taught me when I was younger and got bullied. I took two deep breaths and then held my breath for 10 seconds. When I breathed in again, all my emotion were muted and I didn't feel the pain that I was feeling a minute before hand.

We got home and I ran to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. My mom came and knocked on the door, expecting me to open the door for her, but I ignored her and continued to listen to music until the knocking ceased and she walked away. After a couple hours of sitting on my bed, I drifted off to sleep.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now