Chapter 7

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The next morning, we were expected to go to school as normal, but I hadn't slept at all the night before. I had had nightmares about what happened, and I tried everything to keep them from keeping me from sleep, but nothing worked. I even turned off my emotions, so I wouldn't feel the fear, but it was as if my power was low battery as well. I went through the day groggily, although I wasn't the only one. The rest of the pack was in a bad mood, and we were all weaker and vulnerable to any attack on us due to the fact that we didn't have an alpha. Luckily, the teachers liked this side of me better than my normal self and they didn't complain when I slept in class. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, to be honest. The day went by rather slowly, and by the end of it, I was ready to kill myself. After classes, we all went back to the girl's house for a meeting to talk about what happened the night before and what steps to take forward.

"Alright guys, I know this must be hard on all of you, the death of an alpha is never easy on the rest of the pack." Judy said,

"But you will learn from this and move on. That's what I did when we lost our alpha in my last pack."

"Man, shut the fuck up. You killed your alpha for power and then deserted your pack to come to a better one. You ain't shit but a mercenary." I said.

"Calm down, guys. We didn't come here to argue okay." Vanessa said.

"Alright, just tell your lap dog not to say dumbass shit and we'll all be good." I said. Judy stood and walked over to me, I stood up as well and she pushed me, making me sit down again. As I got up, Matt came between us and tried to separate us, without much luck, may I add.

"GUYS!!!" Cecile yelled,

"SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP!" We all followed her order and it became quiet again.

"Damn, guys. We all just lost someone. He meant something to all of us, some more than others." She said,

"We need to figure out what this attack meant and what we need to do from this day forth to prevent that from ever happening."

"Vanessa, you knew who he was, right?" I asked, looking right into her eyes.

"Yes, I've heard about him." She said, looking around the room at all of us,

"There are tales of a society of demons that rampage the earth. They are nearly indestructible, as we found out yesterday, and they have been around for thousands of years."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Brady asked.

"If you're thinking that I'm talking about Vampires." Murmurs spread around the room as everyone was astonished by what she had just said.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked, chuckling,

"You're telling me that we were attacked by blood-sucking demons that live forever?"

"Yes." she replied. I laughed and looked around the room to everyone else, and they all seemed to believe her.

"Are you guys serious? You actually believe Vampires exist?" I asked, looking at everyone.

"I mean, we exist man. So aren't we to assume that they are other supernatural beings out there?" Ben said, pointing at Vanessa.

"Yeah, did you actually think we were the only supernaturals on the face of the planet?" Judy asked.

"Why are you speaking? No one asked you shit, so shut up." I said.

"Aidan, stop! We don't need this right now, okay." Cecile said.

"Can you continue please." Stephanie said, looking at Vanessa.

"Okay, umm. Kuhn is their lead assassin, and we just killed him, so they might come back to avenge his death." She said,

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now