Chapter 19

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I sat straight up on my bed and put the phone back on my ear.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your father has asked for us to hand you over, or he will attack the rest of our families like he did your mom." Ben said.

"Has he attacked anyone since I left?" I asked.

"George... He died five days ago." Ben said. Anger filled me up and it took all my power not to throw my phone across the room. I took a deep breath and put it to my ear once again.

"So what's the plan?" I asked. Ben told me what the had planned and I was board with it. It was reckless and was basically riding on the element of surprise and a whole lot of luck, but isn't that really what good plan consists of?

"I'll drive back first thing tomorrow." I said after he told me the plan. We said out goodbyes and I hung up and went to sleep.

The following morning, I got dressed in jeans and a simple back t-shirt with matching vans. I made my way down to the breakfast table and everyone was there. Great. I sighed and put the suitcase that was in my hand on the ground. They all looked at me, confused as shit.

"I'm leaving." I said. My mom looked at me with surprise.

"Is it time yet?" She asked, getting up and walking up to me. I nodded and she hugged me. She pulled away and held my shoulders,

"Beat his ass." I smiled and nodded. Trust me, there was gonna be a lot of ass beating. I said goodbye to all the others and momentarily looked towards the head of the table, hoping to see my grandfather seating there; No such luck. I picked up my suitcase and walked towards the living room. I opened the front door and I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Josh standing there with a duffel bag in his hand. The rest of my training group was standing behind him.

"You don't think you're going alone, do you?" He asked. I smiled and they all walked up to the front door. We walked out of the house and jumped into the SUV. We drove off towards towards the morning sunrise and towards what could have been the end of our lives.
We pulled up to Cody's house and honked. It took a lot longer than expected for the gate to open.

"Sorry, I'm not used to this shit yet." I hear Cody saying over the intercom system. I smiled sadly, remembering George, and we drove in.

We went straight to the condo and found the others just lounging around. I was so happy to see them. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard a piercing scream. I didn't have time to react as I was bullrushed by an overly excited Stephanie. She tackled and sent me to ground and hugged me, squeezing hard.

"Can't..... Breathe." I managed to say. She seemed to have forgotten I was a mortal now. She pulled away and apologized with a huge smile on her face. I got up and brushed myself off then hugged me again, not squeezing as hard this time.

"I missed you too." I said. I pulled away and went over to greet the others. Abdul walked up and gave me a huge hug as well. We rocked side to side for what felt like forever. It felt so good seeing him again. I hugged the others and sat on one of the couches.

"Oh shit, yeah, I forgot." I said, getting up,

"Guys, these are my cousins. Cousins, this is my pack." Matt immediately got up and walked over to them,

"Well, hello there." He said, more specifically towards the ladies. Cody was right behind him and held Angels hand and kissed it.

"Welcome to my humble abode." He said. Josh eyed him suspiciously, but went over and greeted the others. He took a little more time greeting Abigail, talking to her more than the others. I was sensing some great things that would happen between the some people around here. I smiled at how great everyone was getting along. We all sat in the couches and Ben went over the plan one more time.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now