Chapter 12

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Sorry for the quick interruption guys, you must all be at the edge of your seats waiting to figure out the decision that I am about to take. Unfortunately, you will have to find out from the perspective of another person, due to the fact that Ben wants to give writing a shot. I’ve told him that it’s not as easy as he thinks, but he doesn’t care for my warning, and as alpha, I have to listen. Smh. Without further ado, I welcome you, Benjamin Clark (He told me to say that).

Hi my name is Ben, Benjamin Clark son of Donald Clark, One of the greatest Werewolfs to ever exist. Well it is kind of complicated my father was a powerful Alpha and never lost any battles he was the smartest too so you know my intelligence is a genetic thing. But something so tragic happened. My father became so powerful that he was a threat to the high council. Those bastards fear anything stronger than them. So they murdered my father, or what they called the execution. Now that I'm an alpha I have one aim in life, to avenge his death. Maybe you're asking yourself, how does this young werewolf even dare to take on the high council. I have a plan in mind, but that will have to wait due to the current threat that my pack is facing, the Clones in Burundi. Which brings me to where we were. A huge ass castle in Burundi, man although I have more important things to do, I’ve got to take one second to admire this huge castle. The architectural design is perfect. When we win against the Clones, I might just declare this place to be mine. Back to the situation at hand, the elephant in the room, Aidan. I know deep down we have not lost him. He is one of us, Family. The first rule in my pack is never leave family behind. That's the reason I'm standing here right now. Surprisingly, Aidan seems hesitant as to whether or not he should kill this bitch. I mean, I understand the decision he is about to make. How would I feel if I had the opportunity to be with my father once again. But then again, my father wasn’t evil, his is. Sadly, Aidan track record with choosing the right thing has been iffy in the past, so I’m a little worried as to what decision he will make. He kept looking back and forth from us to the bitch, and I was starting to get impatient with him. It was always the same shit with him. I couldn’t afford to be angry with him at this moment though, if I wanted him to come back with us that is.

    Finally, after what seemed like forever, Aidan put the bitch down. I was filled with shock and rage. How could he pick them over us. I went to speak and saw something that surprised me even more. He punched her and she crumpled to the ground.

    “Well, are we gonna just stand here, or are we gonna go?” He asked, looking at the surprise on our faces. I breathed a breath of relief as he said those words. He had actually chosen to come with us! I was overly excited, and against my better judgement as alpha, I hugged him.

    “Yeah, yeah, the prodigal son has returned, blah blah blah. Let’s go before anyone decides to check the loud noise you guys made in your entrance.” Aidan said, patting my back and looking at the others.

    “Why didn’t you kill her?” Abdul asked.

    “I couldn’t. She’s my father's second in command and that would have been a bit too far. He would have come for all your heads and succeeded if you took his son and killed his ‘daughter’.” Aidan said, walking towards the rubble that was made by Abdul.

    Aidan led us through the huge castle to the exit. It took us like 15 minutes. I mean, Aidan barely knew his way around the place, but he managed to get us to the back exit, where they throw the garbage, and we ran from there. Without Cody alive to help us, we really had no other choice but to run away from the place. As we ran, I was trying to figure out how we would get back to Kigali. Cody had gotten one way tickets, so we couldn’t go by plane, and we couldn’t teleport either. We were stuck in Burundi. The Clones had gotten the better of us by just killing one of our members. We got to the town center of Bujumbura and hid the bodies of Cody and Kiara in an alley then went inside a nearby cafe to think of a plan. We ordered food to eat while Judy and Vanessa had gone to the bathroom to clean themselves off. They were covered with dirt and dried blood and just looked horrendous. They came back after a couple minutes and sat down with us as we waited for our meals.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now