Chapter 17

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I walked out of the car and advanced towards the people that were waiting to greet me. My mom ran ahead of me and jumped in the arms of this slim old man. I recognized him from his picture as my grandfather.

"Papa!" She screamed, and then pulled away from the hug. She was behaving like such a kid and it made me laugh. I walked up and offered my hand for a shake and the man pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back awkwardly. I wasn't used to hugs like this from strangers, but I guess he's family. A got hugs from the rest of the people and I reached this woman that I didn't recognize. She had to be at most 50, maybe 55. Judging on the age of her children, she was most likely 60 plus.

"Salut, Cherie." She said, pinching my cheeks. I gave her a tight lipped smile and looked at my mom for help. They all chuckled as they saw right through me. Uncle Eugene came over and hit my shoulder hard as he put his arm around me. He was maybe two inches taller than me, and very muscular. Keep in mind that I was now human, so my shoulder was on fire. I acted like it didn't hurt, but that just made him laugh even more.

"I like you kid." He said. Uncle Micheal joined him and started punching me in the stomach jokingly, although the pain was very real. I laughed through it as he put his arm around my shoulder on the other side. He stood at maybe 5'11, making him shorter than the both of us. But his muscles made up for his lack of height and he seemed like a very proud man. They were both bald, which made me instinctively touch my hair, thinking of my future. They both laughed when they saw me do this.

"It's not too bad, you know, being bald." Uncle Eugene said.

"Yeah, it's quite the rage these days." Uncle Micheal said, continuing off for his brother.

"And the ladies love it." Said a woman I had never met. Uncle Eugene introduced her as his wife. I met the rest of the spouses of my Uncles and Aunts.

They ushered me into a room, more like a play house, and I met some of my cousin's. These ones ranged from the ages 1-5.

"They rest of them are at school, but they should all be back any minute now. At least the ones that aren't in high school." My step-grandma said. She said her name was Margret I think. I would call her that.

"When are the high school aged ones coming back?" I asked her, anxious to meet some cousin's my age.

"They will be here in an hour or so." She said, chuckling. She then showed me to my room. Now this house was huge, I should be calling it a mansion. One top of it being huge, there were guest houses for the different families. For the time being, we were staying in the main house while they constructed another guest house for us. I got to my room and it was huge. Like maybe the size of my living room at home. It even had a TV and a couch. It was self contained, with both a bath and a shower. I was in paradise.

She left me alone to get set up and everything. I took a shower and changed into some sweats and a hoodie. A laid on my new bed and turned on the TV. I scrolled to a music channel and went on my phone. I went on the pack group and told them about my new family. We were originally called KP, which stood for Kigali pack, but Abdul changed it to 'The Pussycat Dolls' after a couple weeks.
ACDC: you guys won't believe this place, it's huge!
Rich Nigga: bigger than my house?
Bad bitch 69: you ain't shit nigga
ACDC: tell him Abdul
Big Ben: how are you adjusting tho?
Pretty boy: are there any bad bitches?
Bad bitch 69: you got me man, how many more do you need?

I chuckled at the last text as someone knocked on my door.
ACDC: I'll fill you in later, I gotta go
Rich nigga: peace
Bad bitch 69: Come back soon. I need my daily dose
Pretty boy: miss me with gay shit
Bad bitch 69: don't hate just cause Ben won't give you some.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now