Chapter 20

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I don't know why it wasn't working. Chloe had showed me exactly how to cancel out powers and I had tried and successfully performed the spell on Josh. She couldn't be that much more powerful than him. I looked at her in the eye and we had a silent conversation. She finally sighed and looked down, lifting the spell. I smiled as guards walked over to grab me.

Out of thin air, Cody teleported with the others and killed the first line of guards. I saw the look on my father's face and I smiled. The pure shock showed that for the first time, I was a step ahead of him.

"He is about to call reinforcements." I said,

"Pack! Take care of the true borns, they are the hybrids. Witches, take care of the guards and the clones. Let's fucking go!"

I passed a smile onto Stephanie, who looked worried from the time we had gotten here. She nodded and everyone attacked. I went for the wall of guards that were shielding my little sister. I sent a shockwave towards them, knocking about half of them. The rest of them got in formation and attacked me. I released a whip made of pure fire and lashed it at them. The first line fell and the second advanced, dodging my whips and coming right for me. The first three guards caught me and held me by my arms as the fourth one was about to stab me with a sword. I erupted into fire, making them jump back. I extended my arm and an identical arm made pure of fire mimicked me. It grabbed one of the guards and threw him over the cliff. The other two guards looked unsure of whether or not to attack me. I smiled and attacked them. I grabbed two of them and sent them to the same fate as their friend. The third one turned to run but my avatar arm grabbed him and burned him alive. I looked towards where my sister was and saw her being led by one of the true borns. He was a hybrid, but this was my sister we were talking about. I flew towards him and tackled him, sending us sprawling onto the ground. The impact of the ground was the last straw for my energy and my body of fire went away. The true born looked at me, then got up and offered his arm to help me. I got up on my own and looked at him suspiciously, waiting for him to attack.

"I was taking her to a safe place, I'm on your side." He said.

"Prove it." I said, still skeptical. I mean, we needed fighters so if he proved himself, hell yeah I would accept his help. He super ran an ripped the heads off of five guards that had encircled Christy and came back.

"Trust me now?" He asked. I nodded and offered my hand for a handshake.

"Alex." He said, shaking it.

"Aidan." I replied. He turned away from me went back into he fight, killing his own. The others caught on fast, thankfully not going after him.

"Hannah, I have to get you out of here." I said, taking her hand. She ripped her hand out of mine,

"NO!" She yelled.

"Not NOW Hannah!" I said, attempting to take her hand.

"You don't understand, I was wrong." She said,

"I wanna help you guys."

"Hannah, you're still too young, you could hurt yourself." I said.

"I'm a fudging hybrid Aidan. Apparently, that's more than you can say for yourself." She replied. I nodded in agreement and embarrassment.

"Plus, I can do this." She said. I looked as she turned, roared and then got bigger and more muscular and bigger and even more muscular. She stopped when she stood about 12 feet tall, panting. She fucking hulked out!

"GO GET THEM!" I yelled up at her. She roared and took off towards the battled.

I stood at the top of a hill and watched the fight unravel, occasionally flying down to someone's need. We were doing good. Actually winning! Sad to say that didn't last long. I looked over and saw Josh attacking Raven. He couldn't take her on his own. I was about to rush to help, but Abigail got there first and they fought her together. They looked like they were about to win, when Cody teleported out of nowhere and slammed into Josh, who was about to send the finisher towards Raven. I could sense it. They landed on the ground and before Josh could protect himself, Cody ripped his head off.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now