Chapter 4

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The following morning, Bruce burst into my room and yelled for Abdul and I to wake up. Behind him was a very annoyed boy, Cody as he stated the night before. I could tell he wasn't exactly used to being yelled at to wake up when the sun hadn't risen yet. I knew he was rich due to his last name being Brooks, as in Brooks industry, first multi-billion dollar company coming out of Rwanda, and was probably pampered his entire life, but the look on his face was one of murder. Bruce ripped my blanket off of me to see me fully naked. Although I was extremely tired and not in the mood, I had to hold my mask of humor as an act of defiance towards authority. I made a sexy pose and started rubbing myself from my chest to my stomach. Before I could get any lower, I was grabbed and thrown on the ground. I got up and started jumping up and down, then started stretching my neck and arms.

"Thanks, I needed that pick me up." I said, smiling at my play on words.

By the time I had all my clothes on, everyone was already up and getting out the door. We met at the junction of our two boarding houses and met up with the girls, led by Cecille, the older of the two sisters who were first to convince their parents. We all got in a big circle, all cold and tired, waiting for our instructions for our training. As we were all waiting, Bruce decided to use this time for a dramatic effect of silence. I didn't know what he was trying to prove and to this day I still don't know half, if not all, of his decisions for us. Finally, after what felt like 2 hours, he began his speech of the day.

"Even though we have school and you think we don't have time to train, the enemy won't be waiting for us to finish our education before they strike. We still have to train, and we will be doing this everyday. Today, we will be running, just running, for a start, since you guys aren't really used to this area. We will be running a 5k, but I want us to be done in 20 minutes, 25 at most. Nobody use their powers for this and nobody change. We have to do this fully human because there might be a time when you're hurt and you can't change and you will need that speed to retreat from the enemy so you're not killed. Is everyone ready!" He ended his speech enthusiastically. After chorus of groans and moans from everyone that was listening, he took off running and we all ran after.

I was very surprised at how different it felt when I ran with them. I was never good at running in human form, but when I was with my pack, it felt like we all had one stamina. If I ever started to get tired, I would feel a new burst of energy. Bruce later explained to us that we would share our energy with one another. We ran passed bars, and hotels and hang out places that Bruce said were awesome. One of them fit all three of these, and to my surprise, it was the hotel where we all met the first time. When we got back to the houses, Bruce, out of breath, luckily couldn't make another one of his big speeches. He kept it short, which was great because we were all tired, not just from the run, but from his speeches as well.

"That was great, for the first time. We made it back in 22 minutes. Tomorrow, I'm expecting less than that, so much less than that." He said,

"You're dismissed."

I walked back into the house, limping and talking to the other guys about how Bruce was such a pain in the ass. He walked up to me and grabbed me by the shoulder and squeezed really hard. I started hearing the crack of my bones, and that entire time he had a huge smile on his face. I punched him in the gut and pushed him away from me.

"I'm not your little bitch, okay." I said.

His eyes started to turn red, the sign that he was really pissed and about to change, but then he stopped himself at the last second and smiled.

"You'll regret that one day." He said, and walked past me, shoving me into the wall.

I shrugged it off and went to shower before school started. I put on my uniform and waited for the other guys before we went up to our new adventure.

There were 6 of us who were in 11th grade from the pack and 4 of us were put in the same homeroom. Ben, Matt, Abdul and I. Cody and Kiara were put in the one next to us. Bruce and Cecile were in 12th grade and in the same homeroom. Stephanie and Abigail were in 10th grade and in the same homeroom as well. Hannah was in 7th grade by herself, which was very relaxing because it was the only place she couldn't follow me everywhere I went. When I first entered class, I was very surprised with the number of kids that I remembered from primary school. what surprised me even more, was the number of kids that remembered me. After I send my hellos and had small talk for a bit, I sat down with the pack members that were in my class. they gave us our schedules, and I was a bit disappointed with the classes I was about to take. my first class of the day was P.E, which i was excited for, thankfully. We went to what the other students called the field, a large patch of grass and dirt, and warm up for soccer.

When the two captains started picking their teams for the game, I knew I was gonna be one of the last people picked. Despite my werewolf background, I was a bit of a chubby boy. With the being said, no matter how great my skills were in sports, I was disregarded by the other players until I showed my skills. When they finally picked me, I was put in goals, which was a huge self esteem crusher, because it showed me that they thought I couldn't possibly be any help during the game. I put that behind me and played my best, and now I'm the first team goalkeeper for the school, so they can suck it. At the end of the game, random guys I had never met before came to me and the rest of the pack, well the ones who actually played, and congratulated us and wanted us to come to football practice for the school team. I think a lesson was learned there for them, never judge a book by it's cover.

A couple of months went by, nothing major happened, we trained every day and went to school everyday as well. Some of us went home on the weekends to spend it with our families and to make sure the families of the other members of our pack were safe, of course, without any member of those families ever knowing we were watching them. Exams came and went and we all managed to do okay. I got in a lot of trouble with the school, mainly because Bruce forbid us to use our powers in school and my emotions can be pretty wild when I don't keep them under check, and I couldn't, because the alpha said so.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now