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Alex had no more tricks up his sleeve. He was tired of seeing Sara with someone new. Fred one day, Tyler the other. And what made it worse was the fact that he had to smile through it all. Alex didn't want to damage his 9-year friendship with Sara, and a confession would do just that. Alex continued trudging to school.

"Alex!" A voice snapped him out of his stupor. Sara was running to him, and he could see her long, platinum-blonde hair flowing behind her. She dyed her hair last week, and honestly he didn't really mind. Sara could be bald for goodness sake, and he'd still love her. Sara kept running to him and he smiled, wishing he could catch her and twirl her in her arms and kiss her. But that didn't happen. Sara doesn't even reach him because she was immediately swept up by Darren, her current fling. He twirled her around and kissed her, just the way Alex practiced it a million times in his head. Sara gave him an apologetic smile, which he tried to return, but it came out as a grimace. He won't be able to go to school that day. He couldn't stand another moment of Sara being with another guy, and him having to pretend to be okay with it.

Alex walked away from school. Sara noticed this, reluctantly leaving Darren's arms, and caught up with him. "Alex! School's that way," she giggled. Alex stays silent. He stared longingly at Sara's rosy lips "Hey, you ok?" Sara asked, and Alex wanted to say no. He wanted to tell her how he fell for her since they met five years ago when she moved to his neighborhood. He wanted to tell her his heart beats a little faster whenever she was around. He wanted to tell her how much he needed to kiss her but then he saw Darren in the background, with an eyebrow cocked up as if daring Alex to try anything on his best friend. Normally Alex wouldn't step up to the challenge, but today was different. Today Alex knew what he wanted.

He closed the gap between him and Sara and their lips touched for a second before Sara gasped and pushed Alex back, shattering his heart into a million pieces. Alex was burning with shame, while Darren and all the jocks were laughing in the background. Sara had this confused look on her face. It was the wrong decision. Alex's brain shuts down, as he ran away from them. He ran away from all the taunting, and ran away from all the heartbreak.

Back at home, he faked a smile to his mom, he faked a smile to little Juliette. He called in sick to school, and ignored all Sara's letters. He felt she was just writing to him because that was the duty of a best friend. Just a best friend. Crumpled wads of paper were thrown into the rubbish bin. Alex needed a long walk.

The park was no better. Couples here, couples there, holding hands and cuddling and blushing. Alex shoved his hands in his pockets and trudged on alone, only stopping to fake a smile and take a photograph of any couple that requested him to. When he's had enough of the gushing people and lovebirds, he settled down on a bench.

"Unfair, isn't it?" A voice snapped him out of is thoughts. A woman sat next to him on the bench. Alex stayed silent. "All your life, looking at how it seems like everyone has their soulmate. Even your best friend left you for one of her flings. Everyone's happy, what about you?" Alex starts ed trembling. Bits and flashes of memories with Sara came into mind. The woman leaned closer, "But i know a way to make you happy. I know how to make you smile forever. All you have to do is say okay. Wouldn't that be wonderful?" She whispers. Alex was about to walk away from that freaky woman, when he sensed Sara at a distance. He always senses Sara. She was not alone. Darren was with her. Filled with painful sadness and longing, Alex looked back at the mysterious lady with glimmering eyes. "Make me happy." he murmured.

Alex woke up to a long tail tickling his nose. He sneezed and his whiskers twitched (wait, whiskers?). Next to him was the same lady, but she looked a lot taller now, or did he get shorter? He scanned his surroundings, only to find the park no longer visible. No Sara too. He still doesn't feel happy. He was about to scream at the woman but a meow came out instead. The woman smirks and held up her compact mirror. Alex saw a wide smile on his feline complexion, as if he was the happiest creature on earth. He looks happy alright.

Long after Alex scampered away with the plastic smile on his face, the Enchantress' eyes turn back to normal. "One day Alex, you will find someone who can make you smile." She whispered after the cat.

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