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Gwen still remembered the day she found her little sister lying crumpled up on the bathroom floor, with a bottle of pills in one hand, and a bloody knife in the other. Gwen also remembered how her hands shook with tremors as she dialed 911, and how they hauled her little sister into the ambulance at two o clock in the morning. She remembered the shocked faces of her parents, slightly comical with their night masks smeared on their faces, but a sad occasion nonetheless. But what she remembered most vividly is how Alice's hands were so cold and so limp. If not for the faint, reassuring heartbeat, Gwen was certain that they were hauling a dead corpse. And in the back of the musty ambulance at two-thirty in the morning, Gwen cried.

Gwen cried for the times she lashed out at Alice and for the times she didn't heed Alice. Gwen cried for her negligence when Alice brought home a bag of suspicious medication. Gwen cried for her ignorance of Alice's sunken eyes and hollow cheeks. Gwen cried for the times she didn't care to delve deeper as to the reason for Alice's moodswings. Her little sister was crumbling right in front of her very eyes, and she still didn't notice. Tears were flowing freely now, dropping on her skirt and trembling hands. She cried for the nights she still went out with Brad although she heard the very obvious sobs echoing from the second floor. All she could focus on was the tiny bottle of pills still clasped in Alice's hands. She pried it out of her and read the label.

"Hallucinogenic Pills

Magic Mushrooms"


"Goodmorning miss," a firm voice startled Gwen. A nurse came in with a clipboard, the bags obvious under her eyes. "I'm here to check the patient 352's pulse." She announced in a monotonous voice. It made Gwen think of humanity itself, and will people be remembered the way they were or just by numbers. Gwen turned to Alice and once again, she was shocked to the stark white complexion Alice had. The nurse coughed slightly, and Gwen realized her presence wasn't welcome here. She slowly stood up and trudged out of the room, giving the nurse a fake smile. The nurse did the same.

A few days later

Gwen was back in Alice's room again, this time reading the fairytale Cinderella. It was Alice's favorite. She reached the page where Cinderella found her fairy godmother when Alice started spasming. The alarms and monitors were going wild, and Gwen looked around in confusion as frantic nurses came and started checking Alice's pulse and blood pressure. A nurse gave Gwen a gentle but firm shove towards the door, signaling that she was not wanted in there. Gwen slowly inched toward the door, still straining to see Alice, but she was already swarmed by the sea of nurses.

Gwen waited anxiously with her mother and father. Mom's usual cheery face and rosy cheeks were long gone, replaced with a furrowed forehead and sore eyes. Dad was no better. Gwen closed her eyes and hoped that if she closed them long enough, she would open them to see that it was all just a dream. That Alice wasn't on drugs. That they were a happy family once more.

"Family of Alice Greene?" A doctors voice perked up, bringing them to their attention. "May I speak with you privately?" He continued. Like undead zombies, they rose from the seats and followed the doctor. He had a grave look on his face, which wasn't a good sign. "Your daughter is a fighter. We could all tell she was fighting the drugs and trying not to let it consume her. But before we discuss anything else, have you been aware of her condition?" Both mom and dad's eyes turned to Gwen, slightly questioning and slightly accusing because after all, she was the bigger sister. She was supposed to know things. Gwen looked down at her toes and gave a single nod, so slight and so slow that if the doctor paid slightly less attention, he could have missed it. But he didn't.

"The drugs started out in her brain," the doctor continued, changing the topic. "Hallucinogens mainly affect the brain, but long term use can cause extreme cell damage and failure of organs. Your daughter and the medic team have both fought bravely in gaining back control of her organs." At this he stopped and took off his glasses. "But-

At once, Gwen's hearing capabilities shut down. She saw the doctor's mouth moving but the words were drowned out by the screaming voices inside her head. With her body beyond her control, Gwen stood up from the chair, which probably made an angry screeching sound, but she couldn't care less. She ran out of the room. She ran out of the hospital, unwilling to believe that her only sister was really gone.

It wasn't long before she reached a creek, the creek she and Alice found when they were little. It was a hot day, and Gwen was on another adventure of hers, so Alice decided to tag along. With her stubby legs, she ran wildly and managed to find a beautiful creek. "Wen! A water!" She cried. They'd sit on a tuft of grass. She'd gibber and gabble about as she threw stones in the water.

Since then, although they drifted apart, the creek still became Gwen's favorite spot. It was the only thing constant in her life, and the only thing who wouldn't judge her for what she did. It didn't judge her when she hooked up with Austin and he broke up with her the next day. It didn't judge her for failing all her subjects once. It was just there, and it just listened, which was perfect for Gwen on a day like this.

She sat down, tears rolling down her face, and made a wish. "I wish my sister would live. I'd trade anything, ANYTHING to see her breathe and smile once again. Please." Her voice broke at the end of her sentence, as the sobs racked her body.

Little did Gwen know that on the far end of the creek, something heard her plea. And it rose up from the depths of the water.


Hearing the chaotic splashing and crashing of the water, Gwen looked up in curiosity, and that's when she first came face to face with the being.

She couldn't describe what the being looked like, there just weren't any words to describe its physique. A deep, guttural sound came from the creature. "Anything?" It boomed, with the voice was laced with mischief. Gwen paused. She knew she was making a deal with the devil, but she thought back to the lifeless Alice on the white sheets, and she made up her mind.

"Alice, I'm going to save you." She whispered.


Gwen never liked gowns. She preferred skinny jeans or short pants any day. But when she made the deal, she was in no position to negotiate clothing preferences with the Being.

It was night by the time Gwen reached the creek. The stars had come out and the moon was shining brightly, however, the dazzling night couldn't help lift the burden and guilt planted deep in her heart. The wolves howled accusingly as Gwen wrapped the cloak around her and hastened her pace.

"You have done well, Enchantress." A voice boomed, sending shivers down Gwen's spine. She turned to face the faceless creature. "Now give me my sister's life back." She replied bravely. The Being laughed. It's shrill pitch pierced Gwen's ears, making her wince in reply. "Admit it, you enjoyed being the Enchantress and cursing people. How is that even a favor? And now I have to give a life? Oh no, dear me. My part of the bargain is not done. I still have one more request." The Being replied. Gwen definitely did not enjoy cursing innocent people for insignificant things, but apparently the makings of a 'Wonderland' was important to the Being. "Name your price." She replied in a strong voice, willing to sacrifice anything for her sister.

With that, darkness shone from the Being, and Gwen's world started to spin. Trees turned into animals and animals turned into trees. Black turned to pink and pink to blue. She stood motionless as the darkness blinded her. Or was it a rainbow of colors? Which way was up and which way was down?

"I want -" but the rest of its words were inaudible as the darkness pulled Gwen under.

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