Welcome! (Table of Contents)

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Hello everyone! If you like reading random short stories that are very very loosely based around a fandom, so loosely that literally anyone can read these and get them, then you're in the right place! Fair warning, these beginning chapters are short, old, and probably terrible :P As I upload more you'll see what I'm talking about! I have 127 currently on Fanfiction.net, and there's about 50 of them before they start getting really good and interesting! So Stay tuned, they get better I swear!


Caylee rubbed her eyes with a closed fist and twisted her neck, popping the joint and giving a soft sigh as the discomfort in her neck vanished, replaced with a rather cool feeling. After writing for a few hours her neck always grew stiff and uncomfortable, but it usually didn't stop her. Today she had been writing a possible idea for a warriors fanfiction about the clans moving into new territories and receiving a prophecy about a tiny tiger, with loads of success.

"First chapter down, three more to go before I upload it," she sighed and gave a yawn. Then she paused, still stretching, music was beginning to filter through her radio's speakers at a soft tone, and it was a song she recognized. Animal by Neon Trees, the only song she really enjoyed from the band that her boyfriend had once helped in a concert that they were involved in.

The music brought a small smile to Caylee's lips and she leaned back comfortably in her chair, lightly bouncing one of her knees. What would it be like it if I was really a warrior? She mused softly to herself, probably really confusing, but it would be a priceless experience. She jolted upright in her chair, brown eyes widening as another thought struck her, What if they were humans?! What if the warriors were humans and in different types of worlds and fantasy?! 

A determined fire lit her chocolate brown eyes and the brunette pulled up a new word document on her computer before she set her hands down on her keyboard and began to type. "Warriors as humans, a phrase that's particularly well known out in the wide world of warriors fanfics. However," Caylee was beginning to feel the inspiration flowing like water through floodgates, bursting out with incredible strength and speed, her fingers flying over the keys of her keyboard as a paragraph began to appear word by word on her screen. "Here in this story lies an entire variety of different stories for a curious reader to read. So reader, welcome," the title of the collection easily rolled off her tongue, like it had been calling to her from the very beginning. "Warriors Human Short stories..."

Welcome one and welcome all! Get ready to read 100+ chapters (some stories have multiple chapters) of action, thriller, romance, and general kinds of short stories involving the warriors as humans! :D Please bear with the beginning ones, I wrote those in October 2016, which was a long time ago! XD Maybe one day I'll delete them and rewrite them all with my new skills and stuff but it's a long process :P Oh, and at some point, I should really write a table of contents, but that'll take forever too :P

Warriors Human Short Stories

Welcome, All Warriors Fans! Please Read & Enjoy! :D

Worlds That Are Currently Inside The Collection

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