Ivypool and the Dark Forest

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Atol Hashem- Hawkfrost (he breaks the rule because Atol means Hatefilled)

Brian- Brokenstar

The new Ivy is born

Ivory- 13


Atol- 18

Ivory was walking around the city, black hood pulled up over her platinum blonde hair, green eyes narrowed and looking viciously around the dark alleys and streets. Her jaw was clenched in fury, of course, her parents believe Diana about the vase! It wasn't like they'd ever believe her over her precious little sister Diana. Ivory kicked a tin can as hard as she could, sending it flying into a nearby dumpster. Even being a black belt in karate and her previous school's class president didn't make them proud of her, Diana never did anything and she got all the attention. Ivory's shoulders slumped and she sighed, Diana was prettier than herself of course, with platinum blonde hair dyed pink at the ends with sky blue eyes and a cute spray of freckles across her nose, fair skin and a nice figure.

None of that was Ivory, she had wavy blonde hair like her sister with no dyed ends, dull green eyes that could be mistaken for turquoise, no freckles, and more tan skinned than her sister. She didn't even have that good of a figure, not that it mattered with the baggy clothes she wore and all black clothes. Yeah, she was considered the goth girl at her school. But none of that mattered, she just stood in her sister's constant shadow no matter where she was. Even now that she was in the city of Hollywood Ivory couldn't care less about the glamor and "sweet life."

Her thoughts came to a screeching halt as she heard movement. Coming to her senses she stood dead still, her green eyes scanning the entire area in front of her. There! Spinning around she dodged a knife attempt from behind her and sent the guy careening into a nearby cement wall, hearing the cracking of his skull Ivory was alerted to the next guy as he yelped in fear.

Balancing all her weight on her left leg Ivory kicked the knife right out of his hand and jumped into the air catching the thin blade. Tucking it into her belt for temporary use she threw a punch and broke the lackey's nose, sending him doubling over on the floor. Ivory took her anger out on him, kicking him in the gut multiple times before freezing mid kick hearing calm clapping behind her.

Turning she saw a shaggy brown haired man with icy blue eyes and a gun holstered to his hip with a knife in his belt, "You're a feisty one, aren't you? My name's Atol. Welcome to the " غابة مظلم."

'Dark forest?' Ivory wondered, "Why is this place called the Dark Forest?" She asked a bit warily.

"Clever, I'll answer you question if you defeat me in a knife duel." 'Uh oh, I suck at wielding knives.' Ivory thought desperately.

"Can I use my fists?"

"You can use anything on your person."

'Rats, he's got a gun.' "Alright." She took out the stolen knife and brandished it, watching him, ready for any tricks from this sketchy man. As he lunged forward she took a defensive stance, blocking his strike with her own before pushing off of him her feet slamming against his stomach, sending her into the air and knocking the air out of him. "I'm not going down that easy," Ivory growled as she came back down, landing on his shoulders and pulling on his shaggy hair, making him run into things as he tried to dislodge her.

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"You're good, I will give you that." Atol commented from where he was pinning Ivory to a wall with his knife to her throat, "But not good enough. Come with me." He turned and started walking into a pitch black abandoned subway tunnel. Ivory warily followed him, her grip on the knife was tight and ready for use. A few minutes of walking through the dark he spoke again, the tunnel lightening just slightly, "We're here."

"Where is here?"

"The Dark forest as you so cleverly figured out. We're here to see my father." He shoved a few people out of the way, "Get out of the way you cowards. Even this new recruit is braver than all of you put together!" He snarled before leading Ivory to a quiet area with a black tent pitched in the center. "Father," Atol said respectively, "I brought the girl you wanted to meet."

"Alright. Now scram Brian." A skinny tall man left the tent glaring at Atol and Ivory. Atol leads her into the tent and Ivory's courage vanished at the sight of this huge man. Probably six and a half feet tall with wide shoulders, bulky muscles, and darker skin. Scars littered his body, a scar went across his entire face, stretching from the left side of his forehead to the opposite chin, crossing over one eye and his nose, he had dangerous amber eyes and military style dark brown hair with a thin goatee and sunglasses ontop of his head. Dressed in a black work out tanktop and black cargo jeans and with his size and stature, he was the perfect example of a mob boss. "Ivory Fernades."

"Hello, sir," Ivory spoke in a confident tone, not letting him see her fear and providing the respect she guessed he deserved.

"I bet you wondering where you are are you not?" He said, leaning back in his chair bulky arms over his head.

"Yes, sir."

"You are in the Dark Forest, training place of the strong young learner."

"Why am I here sir?"

"I've been watching you and you are capable of reaching new heights if you stay and learn with us. You'll be able to leave your sister's shadow forever." I can leave my sister's shadow?! I can be my own person?!' "I am proud to see you took down three of our recruits and nearly took down my son." Someone's proud... of me and not Diana?' "We can train you to become strong, stronger than any of us, your parents can see how strong you are." 'But this can't be true, Diana is better than me... Maybe... Maybe I can finally break free... Yes! I can live my own life at last!' "Will you join us?" 'Maybe I can get something else out of this.'

"Yes. But on one condition." The huge guy actually looked surprised at her spunk.

"And that is?" Atol urged, looking curiously at her, also surprised she dared to make a condition with his mighty father.

Ivory smirked, "Call me Ivy. Just Ivy. No last name not Ivory. Only Ivy." The huge man actually grinned,

"Of course Ivy. Welcome to the Dark Forest."

*Squee!* I love it! :) I hope everyone likes it and I didn't make anybody too OOC, that would be sad. Tigerstar is the huge man by the way :) And he isn't being evil right now because he's trying to be persuasive :) my favorite part is the, ""I'm not going down that easy!" Ivory growled as she came back down, landing on his shoulders and pulling on his shaggy hair, making him run into things as he tried to dislodge her." It's so funny! XD Anyway people, please let me know what pairing you like and don't like, here's my list and I'll try to put in a short story for each couple, probably more than one for Cinderblaze cause they're my OTP in warriors

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