The Flashed Vs. The Dark Blades AU Part 1

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(I'm so behind XD)

The Flashes Vs. The Dark Blades AU Part 1
(Cinderblaze focus)

Leon- 26


Holly, Jay-27

Bree- 26 ½

"Who's my target? There's a whole bunch of people here." Cynthia murmured, barely moving her mouth as she walked into the law firm, dressed up in a dark gray knee length skirt, white formal button down beneath a blazer jacket of the matching color with black ankle boots and her blue eyes were covered with green contacts. "And what am I trying to steal this time."

"See that black haired man in the light brown suit with the red tie and the golden watch around his wrist?" Holly asked from where she was watching through the surveillance cameras, watching her best friend advance toward their target. At Cynthia's confirmation of a visual, she continued. "The golden watch has a computer chip hidden below the digital display, the chip is related to the Dark Blade gang and supposedly it contains information we need."

"Alright, I'll get the watch, anything else?"

"Be careful, that golden blonde is watching you."

"Not my fault," Cynthia replied with faint amusement in her tone, "I tend to draw attention to myself."

"Which isn't a bad thing. Here comes our target." Holly then went silent, watching their target walk over to Cynthia.

"I haven't seen you around before," their target greeted Cynthia, stretching his arm for a handshake.

Cynthia smiled and shook the guy's hand, her nimble fingers easily undoing the golden watch around his wrist and sliding the digital watch up her jacket sleeve. "Caylee Michaels, I'm a family law intern. You're Ashton Turner, a criminal law attorney right?"

Ashton looked impressed, "why yes, that's me," an amused glint flashed through his eyes, "an intern eh? Well, I figured, the interns tend to be the younger ones."

Cynthia raised her eyebrows slightly, "is that a good thing?"

Ashton shrugged, a small smirk on his face and he playfully winked at her, "not for us older guys since the younger ones are the good looking ones."

Cynthia blushed modestly and averted her gaze, as she did so she noticed the golden blonde Holly had warned her about was approaching them.

"Are you bothering someone again?" the golden blond haired man rolled his amber eyes, "I swear that your goal is to fluster every woman here Ashton."

"Well not all of us are as young as you Leonardo," Ashton replied, slapping the blonde on the back, "Caylee, meet Leonardo, he's my assistant."

"Leon, not Leonardo," Leon rolled his eyes and offered her a handshake, "it's nice to meet you Caylee, I apologize if my boss has bothered you."

Cynthia smiled and accepted the handshake, looking him in the eye, "it's okay, I don't really mind."

"It happens that often?"

"Pretty much," Cynthia shrugged and her com beeped, meaning Holly had something else for her.

"Cynthia, see if you can get an ID of some sort from the blonde, something we can use to identify him."

Cynthia looked at Leon curiously, "So I heard that they're finally letting everyone have business cards, that true?"

Leon laughed, "yes, although mine looks like crap because I'm always busy with Ashton's junk."

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