Next Gen: Protective and Insistant

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(I didn't mean to have each of the kids three years apart from each other XD I swear that wasn't on purpose XD)

Here are the descrips for the kids, besides Leroy :)

Cynthia and Leon's Kids

Lixa- Sixteen-year-old girl with wavy golden blonde hair and hazel eyes. Lixa is relatively calm and not as hyperactive as her siblings, her style as a teenager is, "Studious, and artistic" Her golden blonde hair is usually up in a messy bun with two pencils holding it in place. Her usual outfit consists of light paint-splattered blue jeans, a light colored t-shirt that usually says something like, "I didn't finish my homework because my paintbrush strayed over it!" With a multi-shaded gray and white vest over it with a creamy furry hood. (Sound familiar?) Lixa loves digital art. Art, her studies, and her family are her life. She's very close to all of her younger siblings and treats her parents as best she can, even if she feels like they're being stupid.
Fun fact: Lixa is the oldest of all of her cousins, by at least a year. She also constantly carries around a sketchbook and eraser in a backpack slung over her shoulder along with a laptop to do her schoolwork and have fun messing around with coding.

Flynx- A thirteen-year-old boy with dirty blonde hair that looks red in a certain lighting, and multicolored eyes, one aquamarine, one hazel blue. Flynx is just as hyper as his aunt Breanna, but he shows it differently. He keeps calm but can't stay still for longer than two seconds, bouncing around, tapping his foot, and playing drums every day. Flynx's style is, "I have too much energy!" his dirty blonde hair is usually messy and tucked away beneath a baseball cap of the baseball team he plays on. His usual outfit consists of khaki cargo shorts, white and blue hightops, a t-shirt of some random color that usually displayed either Pokemon, Minecraft, or sports, on the front with a light gray and neon blue sports jacket tied around his waist or around his neck like a towel. His glasses are for his nearsightedness and are dark blue rims with small soccer balls decorating the sides near his ears. Flynx is very hyperactive and speaks very fast if he's not making an effort to slow down and calm down. He loves sports, playing every sport his parents will let him play and inherits his father's strength, and his mother's love for the water and swimming on a swimming team. Like his sister, he loves his family with every he had and has a passion for sports and music.
Fun fact: Flynx is the only one out of his two of siblings with a medical condition, he has decently bad ADHD and he is almost fully color blind, the only color he can see besides black, gray, and white, is blue, which is why he wears a lot of blue. He loves reading, he'll read anything and everything he can get his hands on.

Miles- Ten-year-old boy with black hair and baby blue eyes. Miles is the calm one out of his siblings, while Lixa is scatter brained, flynx is hyper, and Cleo is hotheaded, Miles is calm, kind, and quiet. But don't let that fool you, he loves mischief just as much as his twin does and even has matching streaks of baby blue throughout his messy hair, just like his twin. Mile's style is, "Is everyone okay? Can I pull a prank on you?" His black hair is short enough to do a mohawk and it's his favorite, making the blue stand out even more against his naturally black hair. His usual outfit consists of denim knee length shorts, dark gray converse hightops, a t-shirt with words along the lines of, "Mischief King and Helpful Boy," with a dark grey hoodie with the words, "I love mischief and I solemnly swear that I am up to no good unless I really am being nice." Miles is studious and does all he can to make sure he and his twin get very high grades, he's relatively intelligent and uses that to his advantage in their pranks, school, and just life in general. Miles is just like his predecessor, kind, happy, helpful, and mischievous. He loves his family and tries to do his best to make them all happy, especially his mother, he tried his best to make sure she was okay and that he and Cleo didn't prank her, and with that, he reminds her even more of her brother that he was named after.
Fun fact: Miles plays flute and guitar for his brother's tiny band, consisting of the four siblings. He and his twin are basically attached at the hip, they hate being apart and do almost everything together.

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