Sad Song Rewrite

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Annnnd now here comes all of the formatting editing I have to do XD


Cynthia, Leon- 19

"Leave me alone!" Cynthia's voice rose to a high pitch as she tugged on his grip on her wrist, "let me go, Leon!" She cried, her hands were shaking as she tried to pry his fingers from her wrist, tears were trickling down her face and the liquid half blinded her.

"Let me explain!" Leon pleaded with her, his heart was breaking at seeing how torn up she was, StarClan he never meant for this to happen! He never meant to do this to her! One argument where he overstepped his bounds caused one thing to happen after another, and now he was dealing with Cynthia's reaction to the whole thing. "I didn't mean to do it, Cynthia!"

Cynthia vigorously shook her head, "I don't care! Let me go!" She was getting hysterical, the gentle and feisty singer was broken, her pride was smashed, her heart was broken to pieces, and her trust in the one person she needed to have in her life had been shattered. "I don't want you touching me!"

Leon pleaded with her, "Please let me explain! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"You did!" Cynthia cried, "let me go!"

"I didn't mean to cheat on you!" Leon exclaimed, trying to get her to see that he hadn't meant to do any of it.

That broke the floodgate, Cynthia started sobbing, almost unable to speak anymore through the force of her emotions and the betrayal she was feeling, "let me go..." She sobbed, pulling fruitlessly against his grip, "please..."

Leon's heart broke when she looked at him, her blue eyes were round from the earlier shock, red-rimmed from her tears and tears swam in her beautiful blue eyes. "Cynthia..."

"Let me go..." Cynthia pleaded brokenly, "let me go Leon..."

Leon felt a hand on his shoulder and his brother spoke up, "let her go, Leon," Jay said, his tone was calm but anger simmered beneath the surface. "She's going to hyperventilate."

Leon numbly did as his brother asked and released Cynthia's wrist, his amber eyes followed her as she fled from him, running away toward where Bree walked in the front door and colliding with her hard enough that Bree was knocked backward into the wall.

Bree's amber eyes widened and the brunette quickly dropped everything inher arms to envelope Cynthia in a tight hug, still sitting on the floor with her crutches sprawled on the floor nearby.
Cynthia finally broke down, blubbering as she buried her face into her friend's shoulder and howled, a huddled mess on the floor with Bree hugging her and gently comforting her.
Holly walked in the door a moment later and quickly knelt down, resting one hand on her sobbing friend's back, her green eyes were highly concerned and worried even as Bree gently rocked slightly from side to side, quietly hushing Cynthia's cries. She looked up at Leon who just gazed brokenly back at her. "What happened?" Holly asked, having been gone for the past few days.
Leon turned around and started numbly up the stairs, hearing his brother answer for him.

"Leon and Cynthia had an argument last night and Leon..."

Leon couldn't hear the rest of the sentence as he disappeared up the stairs and went into his and Cynthia's room for the first time since his and Cynthia's argument where he froze, staring at the room, having stayed in his brother's room for the night. It was a mess, Cynthia seemed to have been more upset than he thought she had. The room was a complete mess, Cynthia had strewn books, art supplies, clothes, blankets, notebooks, and even all of her small notebooks that held all of her lyrics were all over the floor, one of the lyric books was laying on the floor face up with a few pages ripped out and crumpled up or torn and shredded. The bed was messy, with all of Leon's blankets on the floor while Cynthia's were messy enough that Leon could tell that she had tossed and turned for a while. Cynthia was usually a decently heavy sleeper and hardly moved when she was asleep once she found a comfortable spot, so the blankets were usually pretty neat if she had slept well. He numbly went over to the open lyric book and looked at the open page that had newer ink and was written in an angry and messy scrawl of Cynthia's. The title was 'Don't let me Stop you' and Leon looked blankly out the window. "What have I done..." he breathed aloud.

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