Hello everybody

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Mark's p.o.v.
I wake up with my arms being empty.
Sean isn't laying next to me.
I hear some glass break.
I can't really tell where it was I just know that it's from downstairs.
I get up from the bed.
Sean's cloth still lays spread out in the room.
His boxers isn't there.
I find my own and gets them on.
I start sneaking downstairs.
I suddenly hear Sean scream in pain and after that I hear him cry.
I start running and stops in the opening into the living room.
Sean sits on the floor crying.
I don't see blood but there is shattered glass everywhere.
"What happened??" I ask and looks at him.
"My glass of milk slipped out of my hands" he says sobbing.
I nod quickly.
"I'll be back in a second" I say and runs out to the entrance.
I find my shoes and runs back to the living room.
I take my shoes on and walks into the room and gets over to Sean.
"Lets go upstairs" I say as I pick him.
I carries him to the upstairs bedroom.
"I'm sorry" he says as he buries his face into my chest.
"It's okay" I say as I open the door to the bedroom.
I lay him on the bed.
I notice the blood on his right foot.
I sit at the end of the bed and tries to find the wound.
I find a glass shard right under one of his toes.
I try to get it out but flinches and screams in pain.
'I hate it when he is in pain.
I don't wanna hurt the ones I love.'
I look up at him.
Small tears covers his cheeks.
In this light it actually looks pretty.
I pull the shard out quickly and gets a bandage.
'I don't wanna take him to a doctor cause I don't know what they will say if two neko's came walking in'
I look worried at him as he looks away from the foot.

Sean's p.o.v.
'He really cares about me.
The way he treats me as I'm hurt.
The way he looks at me when I say ouch or just make a face to show it hurts.
He really loves me'
"Mark...." I whisper.
He looks at me the moment he hears my voice.
He nods as a sign that he listens.
"W-will you marry me??"
I know you love those😂✌🏼️
But I hope you enjoyed this short chapter.
Sorry for it taking so long.
Just had some problems.
But yeah.
Love ya all!❤️

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