And the winner is.....

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Mark's p.o.v.
I wake up to an empty bed and the smell of something burning.

I sit up hurriedly and get off the the bed and run downstairs.

There stands Sean in the middle of all the smoke from the burnt eggs on the pan, placed on the stove.

He looks at me and then down. "It should've been a surprise" he says sadly and looks down at the floor.

I open the window over the sink and then embrace Sean with a hug.

Small sobs makes his shoulders jump up and down.

"Don't worry my little kitten. Nothing bad happened. And if there was, I would be there to protect you from getting hurt" I say to calm him.

"Don't....." He says and break free of my arms.

"I wanna know what you did..." He says and looks angry.

"What?" I say a bit confused, and still I'm a bit nervous. 'Does he know about Lilly and I??'

"You know what I mean..." He says.

"No. What is it that you wanna know?" I say and try to seem as calm and confused as possible.

"You weren't here last night.... Where were you?" His eyes are glazed and tears leaving stains on his cheeks.

The panic grows inside of me and I hesitate with the small words that leaves my mouth.

"Did you cheat on me?...." His voice cracks a bit.

I nod and look down, ashamed of what I did.

Jack lean up against the counter and slide down the cabins and sits on the floor.

He pull his knees up to his chin and mumbles something. The tears streaming out of his eyes doesn't reduce at all and his face is all red.

"Why Mark...." He says and looks at me with the tearful eyes.

"I-I don't know...." I say honestly.

Sean's p.o.v.
I get off the floor and walks up to Mark and slaps him.

The sound is really clear and the stinging pain in my hand makes me wanna do it again.

Mark places his hand on his cheek and looks shocked at me.

I walk to the stairway and run up the stairs and into our bedroom.

I smack the door behind me and walk hurriedly to the bathroom that belongs to the bedroom.

I close the door behind me and lock it.

I place my hands at the sink and look down into it. I raise my head slowly and meet my own eyes in the mirror above the sink.

The cold blue eyes looking back at me with the pain showing clearly in my reflection.

The bottle of pills placed next to the sink, starts calling my name and I pick up the bottle.

It's Mark's.

I open the container and pour out some of the pills into my palm.

My hand moves up to my mouth and pour the pills into it.

My tongue plays a bit all the oval formed "heaven".

I bow down and turn on the cold water. I drink a bit and shallow the pills.

The water gets turned off and I look into the mirror again. I smile. But the pain is still in my eyes.

Mark's p.o.v.
I sit on the stairs, waiting for Sean to come down.

The time goes by slowly and seconds feels like years.

I hear a door open from the upstair and then Sean appears at the end of the stairway.

He doesn't look mad. Or happy. Or sad. There's no expression on his face. It's so empty.

'What did I do?...."

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