Some years later....

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Sean's p.o.v.
Dear diary....
Today Mark came home... Luckily... He smelled like alcohol and other days his cloth have smelled like smoke or something like it. It worries me. One time I think I smelled some cheap perfume and I have found some lipstick marks on the collar of his white shirt. I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe I should ask him about it?... But what if he's cheating or something? He could be destroying himself! Maybe I should ask. Thanks diary....

I walk up to our bedroom and opens the door. Mark lays on the bed half naked.

I try not to blush and look down as I walk to the bed.

"Mark..." I say quietly. "Not now cupcake...." He says tiredly. I keep my eyes at the ground.

"It's important..." I say and raise my look to him. My eyes meet his. The seem a bit red and the darkness drawn under his eyes tells that he's really tired.

"Then what is it?" He says with a sigh. I take a deep breath. "A-are you.... Cheating on me?...." I say quietly and insecure.

Mark sits up on the bed and looks straight into my eyes. They seem serious. "No...." Is all he says.

"How can I trust you?...." I say holding back the tears that are crawling up in my eyes.

He crawls closer and stand on his knees. His head is about my high and the serious look on his face doesn't go away.

"Why would I be cheating on you?...." He says calmly.

"The marks on your shirt..... And the cheap perfume.... The alcohol as well...." I say and a small tears runs from the corner of my eye.

His expression goes from serious to worried. He know that I really care for him. He loved me. I don't know if he still do.

"The marks are from some girl who attacked my neck with kisses one night at the bar when I was there with some of my friends.... The cheap perfume is from the lady-man that are using the men's bathroom to lay make up and spray with perfume..... And the alcohol is from.... Yeah.... I don't wanna talk about it....." He says.

I fall to my knees and start crying. Me pale hands covers my face and small sobs fills the room.

I feel some heat on my shoulder. It gets a good grip in my T-shirt and pulls me closer to more heat.

Mark's p.o.v.
I pull Sean close to me and hugs him. His hand still covers his face.

I run my fingers through his hair. He put his hands on my chest, reviling his red face.

He looks down. I smile a bit and rubs his cheek with my thumb. He carefully lifts his head and looks at me with glazed eyes.

I smile and kisses his forehead. "Sorry Mark...." He whispers with a hoarse voice. 

"It's okay cupcake....." I say and hug him again.

"I'm such a bad husband....." He says with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"No you aren't..... You're the best.... I should've told you.... I should've told you everything....." I say and play with his light green hair.

"Mark.... I love you" I smile to him. "I love you too Sean" I says and holds him close to me. 

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