Chapter 3-Here We Come

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Chapter 3-Katniss POV (13 years old, her and Peeta will be for whole chapter)

Back. Finally. We are leaving the place that has brought me the most pain and going back to the one that brought me none. I'm going back to an actual life, not crying in the bathroom as I eat lunch.

We get off of the plane and get in a taxi. We don't have a car at the moment because there is no point to have one in New York, so we sold ours.

Prim looks out the window sadly. It reminds me of myself when I left Peeta. Oh, Peeta. Does he still remember me? I doubt it. I'm sure he has a million friends and doesn't think about me anymore...

"Prim...I'm really sorry. But just think, you're going to make so many friends!" I encourage. Prim was only four when we moved to New York, so she doesn't really have anyone to reunite with. However, she is the sweetest little girl and will make friends easily.

"I know... that doesn't make me not miss my friends though." she says.

"I feel you. Thats how I felt leaving Peeta...but I didn't have hope of new friends..."I sigh.

"Peeta?" she questions. I realize she dosn't know who he is. I don't like to talk about him.. it makes me sad. But I guess I can now that we may reunite.

"Peeta is...or only friend. That I've ever had." I admit. She seemed confused.

"What about in New York?" she asks.

"Didn't have friends."

"What about during lunch? Or when you did partner work?"

"Ate alone. After a couple months I got tired of being made fun of and ate in the bathroom. And I always partnered up with the teacher.."

"Katniss..." she says.."I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell us?"

"Mom zoned out. I didn't wanna get you involved in my misery. I'm fine now; I'll have Peeta." I say. But I begin to question; will I have Peeta?

Finally, the taxi arrives at our new home. It isn't the one we lived in before we moved. It's brand new.

We walk into the door and wow. Nothing like our tiny, barely affordable apartment in New York. Prim and I make our way upstairs.

"Which room do you want? I ask.

"I don't care." She says. But I see her eyeing the pale pink one.

"Alright, well then I'll take the pale pink one. You take the orange one." I tease.

"Oh...okay." She says with disappointment.

"I'm kidding. Take the pale pink, little duck." I say.

"Thanks Katniss!" She hugs me and runs into the room.

I walk into the orange room. It's not a weird orange, but like a sunset. I suddenly realize why I'm so drawn to it.

Sunset orange is Peeta's favorite color.

Peeta's POV

"Dad, can Finnick come over?" I ask my father.

"Thats fine." he says.

"Thanks Daddy!" I say and hug him.

I am most certainly not afraid to call my father Daddy. I love him and I want to make sure he knows how much. Show, not tell. I think of when he told me how to let Katniss know I love her. I still do. I wonder how she's doing.

"Honeyyyyy!" Finnick grabs me and kisses my cheek. He's weird, but one of the best friends you could truly have. We just have a weird bromance.

"Hey Finnie." I say. "Let's go to my room."

"Took you long enough to ask." He says raising his eyebrows, up and down they go.


"Sorry." he says, but I see his smirk.

I roll my eyes. "Come on." I say.

After a while of Finnick being totally weird and bromantic (aka his normal self) he asks me if we can be serious. I know it's surprising, but when it's needed, he can be very serious.

"Peeta, do you know Annie Cresta?" he asks me.

I think for a moment. "Was she in our 4th grade class with us?"


"I know her, we were partnered up for the square dancing thing since we couldn't choose our own partners or be guy wih guy and girl with girl." I say.

"Well, I think I like her. I sit next to her in Science and can't help but feel the chemistry." We laugh at his terrible pun.

"So what do you suppose I do, lover boy?" Finnick tends to call me lover boy alot.

"I don't know, I'll think about it though. And why do you call me lover boy?" I ask.

"Because you're my lover boy, silly!" he winks and goes home. I just laugh.

I walk down the stairs and my dad calls for me.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Peeta, I'm super busy and meant to make a basket for our new neighbors, could you possibly bake and paint and put it all together in a little basket?" he asks.

"Sure thing, Dad!" I'm delighted. I love baking and painting, they are my favorite things to do other than hang out with Finnick.

I mix together the ingredients for cheese buns and throw them in the oven. I do the same with some loaves of different breads, crossiants, muffins and other pastries. I also bake a cake and ice it to look like a gorgeous waterfall.

Now, I begin to paint. I paint a picture of a beautiful beach sunset. I am happy with the sunsets orange. It has always been my favorite color.

I run up the stairs to grab another paint brush and look out my window. There is not very much distance between mine and our neighbors house as I can cleary see into the window of the sunset orange room that faces directly across from my dark green room. It reminds me of the window in the Taylor Swift "You Belong with Me" music video.

I run back down the stairs and put the breads into the basket neatly and add the quick dry coat that I got the extra brush for onto my painting. It is dry to the touch in 2 minutes and fully dry in 5.

"I'll be right back, love you Daddy!" I say making my way out the door.

"Love you too Peeta!" he tells me.

Katniss POV

I am sitting on the couch when there is a ring of the door bell.

"I'll get it!" I say.

I open the door and see a boy with ashy blonde hair looking at the ground.

"Hi, welcome to our neighborhood." he says quietly.

"Thanks." I say as he hands me the basket.

Peeta's POV

I look up at the sound of her voice.



Omg guise they meet again! haha

Please excuse errors and if you don't like something, please don't just stop reading! Comment and tell me so can improve it!

BTW: Finnick isn't gay; he is supposed to be bromantic and stuff! Hahaha!

Ily all!


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