Chapter 10-Homecoming Part 4

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OKEY SOOO before I start I wanna say sorryyy! this isn't gonna be a very good or long chapter but that's because I have to write it on my phone not my laptop:/ so sorry that there wont be any bold/italic text! i tried to donit the phone way so sorry if it doesnt work! dont worry, though! the next one should be pretty good;) enjoy!


Peeta's POV

I jump out of Finnicks car.

"Thanks, Finn!" I yell to him as I run down the street.

"No problem, honey!" I laugh at him.

Homecoming is tonight. Tonight, I have to pretend that Katniss and I are just friends. Well, it wont be pretending. To her, we are just friends. But I wish we were more, and I need to be sure to not get carried away by that.

Homecoming being tonight also means that school starts in two days. I don't really know how to feel about that; I mean, I came to this University because I wanted to, didn't I? If I didn't want to, I could have easily just made my money at the bakery.

I guess I'm dreading school so much because Katniss will being meeting many guys that are far more attractive, kinder, funnier, and over all better than me.

I don't realize my heavy breathing until I take my mind off of Katniss. Luckily, I am right where I need to be. The 24 hour grocery store.

"Hi... can.. I buy... a dozen... daisies?" I say between breaths. Most guys would be asking for roses; Katniss has a strong disliking towards them, however, so I settle for daisies.

"Here you go. That will be $10.99." The cashier tells me. $10.99 for flowers? What a ripoff. Oh well. I hand him the money.

"Have a nice night." I tell him.

"You too."

I wish this could be a nice night. I think.

I take out my cell phone.

"Finn, can you come pick me up? I'm at Quick Mart." I say, still breathing a little heavily.

"Be there in a few." he says.

"Thanks." I tell him and hang up.

After what seems like hours because of my anxiety about school, Finnick arrives.

"What took you so long?!" I demand. Stress and I aren't the best of friends.

"Chill, Peet. It took two minutes."

"Sorry, I'm just worried about..." My voice trails off.

"About what?" Finnick asks, concerned. He knows not to play around with me when I'm stressed.

"School." I admit.

"But... why?"

Should I tell him? Of course I should. Finnick is my best friend.

"I don't want Katniss falling for some other guy.." I try to not let my voice crack at the terrible thought, but I fail to do so.

"Peeta, she won't. I can promise you that. I think she likes you." he lies. He is such an obvious liar, but I pretend like I don't realize it.

"Thanks, Finn." I say.

"No problem, honey." I just laugh at him.

Katniss POV

"Why can't you tell us?" Annie demands at me.

"It's a secret." I have been so giddy all day. I would tell them... if I knew why.

"I think it's because of a boy!" Glimmer emphasizes the word boy. Everyones eyes widen and they stare at her.

"I'm sorry!" she says.

"It's fine..." I tell her. That's only because I realized; it may be because of a boy. A boy, who loves bread.

No! I can't think about Peeta that way. We have been best friends for too long. I just can't.

"So...." Clove says.

"School starts in two days." Johanna says plainly.

I choke on the water I am drinking. I had fully forgotten school.

"Sc...School?" I almost whisper.

"Why else would we be here, stupid?" she remarks.

"I guess I forgot..." I sigh. I can't find the happiness that filled my body less than three minutes ago.

"Okay, well how about we go get ready!" Glimmer lightens the mood.

We all stand in unison and go to Glimmer, Clove and Annies room.

We get the dress bags out from under the blanket bags. We quietly begin to get ready.

We all put on our dresses. Then do our makeup. Then our hair. Then put out our shoes.

"Wow..." I gasp looking at the other girls. They look stunning.

"Wow us? Look at you! You're smokin hot!" Clove says and we all laugh.

Then, of course, Glimmer and Annie start to sing, "THIS-GIRL IS ON FIREEEEEEEEEEEE!" as loud as possible, making me almost fall to the floor with laughter.

I look at myself in the full body mirror for the first time. I don't look like myself; I look like a confident, beautiful young woman. I am astonished.

"Alright, we know you're hot, but stop checking yourself out, will ya? We wanna see ourselves, too!" Clove laughs.

"Sorry," I laugh, "I just didn't know I could look like... this." I say.

"Neither did we." Johanna smirks.

"Ha. Ha." I say sarcastically.

Everyone takes turns checking themselves out, when my phone vibrates.

From- Peeta🍞

We are ready; are you guys?

He texts so formally that it makes me sound like a 12 year old when I reply with:

ya, on our way out.

I tell the girls the guys are ready and they all walk out. I adjust myself one last time and, I don't know why, but I think;

Peeta's going to love you.



Guys ily so much. I'm 9 aways from 1k reads and ~20 away from 100 votes! i always thought that when i was finished it would only have ~480 reads and look at what you guys have done for me! You are so incredible and I love you all so much!

i will definetely be doing a divergent fanfic when I'm done with this one (i never wanna finish aw) bc i can barely update one fanfic as often as i want to! haha!

excuse any errors!

vote and comment!


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