Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-Katniss POV

I bite into the cold apple and suddenly hear a yell.

"KATNISS!" Great. It's Johanna.

"How could you guys do that to us?" Glimmer looks like she's going to cry.

"Do what?" I try to act casual.

"If you wanna hide something, don't put it on instagram." Clove says to me.

"And why did Peeta comment love you, and you commented it back?" Annie questions.

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you guys!" I grunt too harshly. They all look upset. "I'm sorry... thats not really why I didn't invite you guys. I kinda just felt like having me and my best of best friends, you know? I'm sure you guys do things together without me." They all go quiet.

"What about the comments?"

Can't they just leave it at that?

"We're... together." I tell them and they squeal. And of course, theres questions.

"How did he ask you out?"
"Have you kissed?"
"Are you in love?"

I grunt and walk away, too lazy to answer them. I lay on my bed.

"Hey." Peeta says. Finnick walks out of the bathroom in boxers covered with fish.


"Do you find this... distracting?" Peeta and I laugh.

"I'm only human, Odair." Peeta looks a little afraid at this remark. We're definetely in the super-duper-possesive stage of our relationship. I have a feeling we will be for awhile with all of our insecurities.

"I'm just kidding." Peeta relaxes and adds a sorry.

"So wheres that ketchup bottle, Finn?" I ask and his face turns red.

"Kitchen." he mumbles. "Let's play!" he jumps joyfully with a sudden change of attitude.

He sprints off and Peeta and I walk to follow him, too lazy to run. This morning was fun, but very tiring. Finnick is rounding everyone up as we walk into the living room.

"Finn, what are we doing?" Clove complains. I love Clove, but she tends to pretend she doesn't know what's going to happen all the time.

"Clove, we're gonna play truth or dare." Annie replies calmly.

"Okay!" she gets a burst of perkiness.

Finnick sits next to Annie and across from Peeta and I.

"Who's gonna start?" Annie asks.

"I have a good one!" Marvel says. We all groan inside our heads. Marvel never has a good one.

"Okay." Finnick lets it go.

Marvel spins, and of course, he lands on me.

"Truth or Dare?" he smirks.

"Dare?" I ask myself aloud if that is a good idea. I realize it isn't. "Wait, I meant tr-"

"No takebacks!" Finnick sing songs as I glare at him. He grins.

"I dare you to kiss Peeta!" he gives a toothy grin and fist bumps Cato. I forgot that they don't know about Peeta and I.

I give Peeta a telepathic lets-confuse-them-by-making-this-kiss-seem-like-nothing-and-like-its-not-a-big-deal. He gives a millimeter of a nod.

Peeta and I lean towards one another and he kisses me. We kiss for a few minutes until Finnick gives a small groan and look up as if nothing just happened.

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