[ 19 ]

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nineteen ; kim jongdae

minji an i (well, chaewon) decided to meet at the mall tonight after she gets off her shift at the music shop where she sold records, albums, merch, etc.

"junmyeon-hyung," i call out as he turns his head towards me. "what do girls like?"

"dick." chanyeol butts in.

i roll my eyes, "no! like, as a gift!"

"yeah, i know. the answer is dick." chanyeol repeats, the same serious expression plastered on his face.

"girls like roses, or any type of flowers, really." junmyeon finally answers. "why? are you going on a date?"

"no," i shake my head. "i'm going to surprise minji."

"you're finally going to meet her? that's lit!" chanyeol cheers, swinging an arm around me to whisper something in my ear. "get some."

i push him off of me, "no! it's not like that!"

"then what's it like?" chanyeol asks.

"i signed into my old instagram account and talked with minji for a bit as 'chaewon.' i guess i accidentally pressed the location button, so she found out i wasn't in kenya, but in seoul. she asked if we could meet up, so i agreed, just to surprise her." i explain, rubbing the back of my neck. "i might end up with a slap mark on my face for lying to her this whole time, but the truth needs to be told sooner or later, and what better time than now?"

"you really think she's going to slap you?" chanyeol raises an eyebrow as i nod. "dude, i completely doubt that! if anything, she's probably going to cry like, 'ch-chen-opp-a~! sa-sarangaeyoooo~~!!'"

"kill yourself, rat." i cringe at chanyeol's act. "anyway, i'm going to go buy some flowers or something." i said before grabbing my coat and scarf along with the car keys.


as i arrive at the floral shop, i see all types of things, not only flowers. a small, cool-looking plant in a pot catches my attention. "excuse me, miss, what type of plant is this?"

"it's a baby aloe vera plant." the old woman smiles.

i might just get this for minji, considering she's into that aesthetic stuff. i place the small plant by the cash register as the old woman rings up the item. i pay for it and thank her before exiting the shop.

as i walk to the car, i see a couple a few feet away from me. the two were smiling and looked like their lives we just perfect. the man then faces his woman, giving her a single red rose as happiness spread across her face. i sigh, going back into the shop to purchase something that will make minji smile like that woman just now.


where are u ??

just got off work

wbu ??

outside the mall where
the huge water fountain
is with the christmas

omg lit !! i'll be there
in 5

i sigh, adjusting my scarf to cover the bottom half of my face. thankfully, nobody recognized me. maybe everyone was too busy christmas shopping. i sat down by the fountain and placed the gifts beside me.

it was currently 7pm, so all the christmas lights and decorations looked beautiful. suddenly, i saw something even more beautiful. a girl came looking around for someone, calling out, "chaewon!"

i stood up, my heart literally beating out of my chest, "minji!"

she turns to me as her head tilted in confusion. she slowly walked closer, hesitating to do so. i waved at her, but she remained cautious and didn't reply. minji was finally in front of me, but she looked disappointed, probably not recognizing who i was.

"you're not chaewon." minji spoke, her voice low. i can tell she was shivering, considering she wasn't wearing a scarf. i took off my scarf before gently wrapping it around her neck.

"i am chaewon," i smile as her expression changed from disappointment to shock. "but i'm also jongdae."

i updated again lmao im on a roll
also, this story might end soon :-(((


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