[ 20 ]

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twenty ; kim jongdae

minji was speechless and didn't know how to react.

"i should slap you." she scoffed as i covered my face with my hands.

"aren't you happy to see me?" i asked, turning around and grabbing her gifts. "i even bought you plants!" i said as i handed her the baby aloe vera plant. "i know you're into that aesthetic tumblr stuff, so i bought you that." i said before grabbing the second item and handing it to her, "i also know that girls really like roses, so i bought you a dozen pink ones."

minji was silent as she looked at her gifts, unsure how to feel about everything going on at this very moment.

"you don't like them, huh?" i chuckled, grabbing a face mask from my pocket and putting it on.

"jongdae," minji spoke, looking up at me before smiling. "thank you so much for this surprise."

i smiled back, "i really hope you're not mad at me."

"no, no, no! i'm not, i swear!" she shook her head, rapidly. "i'm just really bad with expressing my feelings in real life."

"i can see that." i laughed. "if this was just messaging, you would've broke your screen with all your crazy typing."

minji laughed, nodding her head as she agreed with me.

"well, im glad you don't hate me." i said, smiling at the short girl in front of me.

stop smiling, jongdae, it's creepy.

"actually, i did hate you for a mere second." minji chuckled, lightly punching my shoulder. "i'm still kind of upset that you aren't the chaewon. like, a girl."

"i'm sorry i lied to you." i apologized, looking down.

"don't worry about it, i forgive you." minji smiled.

"is it because i'm chen?"

"no, it's because you're ugly."

"you yo daddy's son, aye-"

"i'm leaving, bye."

"minji, no, wait!" i grabbed her hand, turning her around. "let's go eat, yeah?"


minji and i agreed to eat sushi at a shop nearby. upon arrival, we see the small shop completely packed with no where to sit.

"minji," i speak as we face each other. "is it okay if we grab it to-go? the place is super crowded, so i'm not sure if we'll be able to find seats."

"yeah, of course." she smiles. "we'll just eat here in the car."

"alright, sounds good." i smile back, getting out of the car and closing it shut. i then come back and open the door, "minji, you stay here just in case someone recognizes me. i don't want anyone to bother you, so it's best if you stay in the car, alright?" i ask as she nods her head, giving me a thumbs up. "also, message me your order."

"okay!" minji smiles, typing her order into her phone before sending it to me.

"lock the doors. i'll be back quick!"

i walk into the small sushi place and head to the main counter.

"hi! what would you like to order tonight?" a young male employee greets me.

i whip out my phone to read minji's order, "i'll take one 'maki' and one 'oshizusi' to-go, please." i smile through my mask.

the man nods and reveals the total cost of the order before i pay, patiently waiting for the food to come out. i occasionally check on minji through the glass window, making sure she's fine.

"e-excuse me?" a girl, probably in her early teens, taps my shoulder. "aren't you chen from e-exo?" she stutters.

oh, shit.

"uhm, no! of course not! why would chen from exo be here buying sushi?" i spit out, a bit too quickly.

"are you sure? you really look like him!" the girl furrows her eyebrows in confusion, getting a closer look at me as i back away. "you are chen!"


i nervously chuckle, "yup, it's me!"

please, let the order be ready soon.

"soojin-ah! look! it's chen from exo!" the teenager screams to her friend across the room.

"chen? as in kim jongdae?" another girl asks.

"chen-oppa is here?!" and another girl.

soon enough, a bunch of teenage girls swarmed around me, taking pictures and asking me questions.

"sir, your order is ready." the young employee says.

oh, thank god!

to get the teenagers away from me, i need to distract them. i dramatically gasp, "g-dragon! hyung! it's been a while!"

suddenly, all the girls turn their heads to look for g-dragon as they (repeatedly) ask, "where?"

i quietly grab the bags of food and gasp again, "g-dragon, you're with dean too?!" the girls got crazier as their eyes peeled off of me and onto the direction i was pointing to. then, i quickly ran out of the shop towards the car. i rapidly knocked on the window, probably scaring minji. she quickly unlocked the door as i got inside, handing her the food before starting the car and driving off.

"what happened? are you okay?" minji asked, sounding a bit worried but also somewhat amused.

"i'm fine, i'm fine." i breathed out, concentrating on the road. "it's just a bunch of fans piled up and noticed me."

"i saw." minji chuckled. "is that what you deal with everyday?"

i hummed, thinking for a second, "yeah, but we have body guards with us at all times, so it's not that bad."

minji nodded, understanding. it was silent for a moment before i made a sharp right turn, scaring the life out of her.

"jongdae, what the hell?!" she practically screamed, eyes wide as she gripped on her seat-belt as if her life depended on it.

"sorry, sorry! it was an accident!" i apologized as i had a mini panic attack, considering i wasn't the best driver in the world.

minji waved it off, inhaling and exhaling a deep breath as she calmed herself. "are we arriving anytime soo--"

suddenly stepping hard on the brakes, i cut minji off, "we're here." she shoots me an annoyed glare as she opened her door.

"ah, ah! wait!" i yelled, getting out of the car. "close your door!"

minji looked confused, but did as i said anyway. i ran to minji's side and opened her door for her as she chuckled, rolling her eyes. "you're so lame." she said, stepping out of the car with the bags of sushi in her hands.

"now, let's go eat."

i finally updated lmao im a loser but this chap has like 1.05k words so yeet !!


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