Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry for the long wait peoples!! But here it is!! Comment, vote and fan pretty pwease!


I couldn't sleep that night. And After a while i started to admit to myself that i was scared.

I stood up from the couch and went outside.

Once i was somewhere that no-one could see me, i sat cross legged on the ground and thought of Juro.

"Why aren't you asleep?" He demanded.

"Sorry. I don't know why, but i just can't sleep. You aren't the only frustrated one here. Think you can show your face?"

He materialised in front of me, the white ten tailed wolf in his small form. Even in this size, it didn't take a genious to figure out that for a demon, he was beautiful.

I smiled a bit. A demon- beautiful! Ha! What a thought!

"So what do you need me for?" he asked

"I need your help to remember where i have seen that womans eyes before. I know that i've seen them! I just can't remember where!"

"Well... think about it. Who is the only person that has really scared the living daylights out of you?"

"Orochimaru." i shivered. I used to know the creepy bastard. He resembled too much of a snake to my liking. He freaked the crap out of me. He seemed ... Evil.

"There's your answer." Juro shrugged

"Your joking right? This was a girl!"

"And Orochimaru could have possesed her. Yuuki be rational and think. This is Orochimaru. There's no telling what he'll do to get what he wants."

I sighed. "What should i do?"

"Don't give anything away. That's all."



"You don't think... you don't think that it was him that put That in my room do you?"

"It's more then possible. That man despised you."

I chuckled without humor. "He did, didn't he?"

"Yuuki Uchiha..." came a hiss from the trees. Juro disappeared immediately.

"Who's there?" i called, grabbing a kunai. "Show your face!"

"But this is so much fun. See you."

A hand on my shoulder.

With a yelp i jumped around and swung my kunai at... Kakashi? He caught my arm in his hand.

"Yuuki?" he asked.

"Please tell me that you heard that." i whispered.

"I heard."

I shivered again. He let go of my arm.

"What are you doing here?"

I rolled my shoulders "What are you doing sneaking up behind me? You could have been killed!"

"You're avoiding my question." he stated.

"I was talking to Juro. Privately."

He raised his eyebrow. "About what?"

"None of your business, stickybeak."

"Stickybeak? That's new."

"Where have you been for the last decade old man?" i scoffed.

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