Chapter Seven

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I woke up with a groan.

I looked to my left and saw Sasuke asleep next to me.

"That little boy hasn't left your side since you came here." A voice said.

"Tazuna? How long have i been out?"

Tazuna smiled. "A little longer than Kakashi. A few days. That wound is pretty bad."

I laughed, then winced. I took note not to laugh because it hurt. "I've had worse before."

"I was sure of that when you stood back up to fight That ninja."

My eyes widened and i tried to sit up. "Zabuza. What happened?"

Tazuna pushed my shoulders back down. "You may be a Ninja, however you are not invincible. the ninja was killed by a small boy about his age." He pointed to Sasuke.

"God Damnit." I cursed. I sat up this time with success. "I need to talk to Kakashi. You said that he was awake?"

"That's right."

"Brilliant." I shook Sasuke awake. "Come on wakey wakey."

He shot up. "You're awake!" He went for a hug, but i put my hands up.

"Hold on. Not just yet, wait until i'm healed completely."

he looked at the ground.

I stood up, to his annoyance.

"You shouldn't be up. You need to rest."

"Otouto-san, trust me on this. I'm fine." I put my hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

He hn-ed. He was getting a habit of doing that.

"Where is Kakashi?" I asked Tazuna.

"He is outside with Naruto, and Sakura. Your little brother is meant to be out there as well, for training."

I smacked the back of Sasuke's head. "Then what the hell are you in here for?"

"I was seeing if you were okay!" He defended himself.

I sighed. "alright. but seeing as now i'm awake you promise to train?"


"Good. come with me outside."



"Kakashi!" I yelled. I took another note that yelling hurt as well.

"Yuuki! I told you she would be fine. Yeah! Believe it!" Naruto ran up to me with Sakura.

"Are you okay?" Sakura asked.

"It's nothing that won't heal." I shurgged. Naruto hugged me and i grimaced.

Kakashi pulled him off before he could do any more damage.

"Wow. What happened to you?" I asked. He looked really beat up.

"I'll tell you later. What are you doing outside?"

"I came to talk to you. That boy, did he wear a mask of a Tracker?"

"Yeah..." Sakura answered.

"Damn it. That boy wasn't a Tracker. His name is Haku and he is Zabuza's student. He helps him out when he gets into a tight spot."

Sakura gave me a confused look. "So...?"

"What she's trying to say, is that Zabuza is still alive. I thought as much."

I smirked. "You figured it out when he took Zabuza instead of working on him staight away. good wo-" I clutched my stomach in pain and bent over.

"Nee- san." Sasuke said concerned.

Yuuki Uchiha *editing*Where stories live. Discover now