Chapter Four

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An hour after Sasuke left I followed.


Spotting them, I hurried over to my raven black haired brother who was standing with a blue eyed very blond haired boy, and a green eyed, pink haired girl.

The girl was standing very close to Sasuke and she was glaring at anyone who even looked at him. Sasuke however had his back to me.



"Naruto Uzumaki." I greeted the blond haired boy.

Sasuke jumped when he heard my voice behind him. .

"Yeah that's me! Believe it!" Naruto said with a grin.

"Sakura Haruno?" I turned to the pink haired girl.

"Yes." She glared at me because Sasuke looked at my face and smiled.

"Do you guys know who that is?" I pointed to a white haired man that I had come across earlier in the day and almost beat up.

"Seeing as you are a Jounin, you should know but I'll tell you anyway. He's Jiraya, the Sanin." Kakashi turned up next to me.

"A pervert in my definition." I murmured.

"That's because he is, in everyone's definition, a pervert." Kakashi sighed. "You seriously shouldn't go up to him."


"Because he goes for attractive women."

"How did you find out that I was a Jounin?"

"It's not hard to ask the Hokage questions."


"How long have you been one?"

"Six years."


"Isn't it time for their test?" I pointed to Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.

"Right. Would you three come with me? Sorry Yuuki but you can't come."

"Good luck." I called as they walked away.

"I'm gonna pass this test! Yeah! Believe it!" Naruto yelled.

I jumped into a tree and sat on a branch, waiting for them to return.



10 minutes later Jiraya jumped into the tree and sat across from myself.

"Jiraya." I greeted

"You must be Yuuki Uchiha. Graduated at the age of seven, twin of Itachi Uchiha."

"That's me."

"Have you figured out the boy yet?"

"He is a jinchuuriki. He's got the nine tails contained within him."

"You got that from one brief meeting with him?"

I looked at him squarely. "He does, doesn't he?"

"Yes. He was an outcast because of it."

"Cut out from everyone else would be difficult for someone so young. It reminds me of Sasuke and I. All we've got is each other. But even that can't be compared to Naruto's solitude." I drew my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

"So it seems."

"We aren't the only ones left of the Uchiha clan. Itachi's out there somewhere." I whispered.

"You shouldn't live for vengence you know. Every time I see you speak Itachi's name, your eyes are full of bloodlust."

"That may be the case but, I need to stay with Sasuke. I don't think he, nor I, could stand without the comfort of each other. It's Sasuke that I'm worried about. If I leave, he'll hunt down Itachi, which i think that he is planning to do anyway, but at his current level, if he finds him, he'll lose. And I doubt that if he hunts Itachi down I'll go with him."

"Why not?"

"Because... even after all he has done.... he's still my brother."

With a grunt Jiraya stood up. "That's what I'd like to hear. I'll be going now."


By the time Kakashi and the others finished it was two in the afternoon and I had been sitting here for four hours.



I was dozing when Kakashis voice said "You have a lot of patience don't you?"

I opened my eyes and growled "Kakashi, you're invading my personal space, yet again. You seem to be making a habit out of it." I rolled my shouders and jumped out of the tree, just barely missing Naruto.

"We passed! Yeah, believe it!" Naruto gave me a thumbs up.

"Did you eat?"

In reply Sasuke's and Naruto's stomachs rumbled and Sakura rolled her eyes but said "Not really."

"Shall we go for lunch? My treat."

"Oh, why not? Our first lunch as team seven." Kakashi smiled



"What will it be?" I asked as we were walking down the road.

"Ramen!" Naruto replied straight away.

"Ramen." Sakura agreed.

"Ramen." Sasuke sighed

"I don't mind." Kakashi shrugged.

"Ramen it is then."



After they had finished and I had paid the bill I heard somebody yell "Yuuki!"

I turned and saw a very angry looking Sapphira.

"Where were you?" She demanded.

"I was waiting for Sasuke to finish Sapphira. Let me introduce you to Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki. This is Sapphira Uki.

"Nice to meet you. Were you on your way home?" She asked

"Yes, but why-"

"Sasuke," She interrupted "will you give her a lecture when you two get home?"

"I'll look forward to it." Sasuke smirked

"You make it sound as though we are going somewhere beforehand" I stated

"Because you need to go and see the Hokage."

"Already?" Kakashi asked.

"I suggest that you move your butts. He doesn't like waiting." she encouraged.

Kakashi motioned for us to leave, and so we did.



"You asked to see us sir?" I asked as we entered the room.

"Yes, you have a mission." The hokage replied.

Naruto looked like he ewas ready to speak so I put my hand over his mouth and stated. "The traditional squad is only made up of four members."

"I am well aware of that. For this particular squad I am changing it to five for a while. Your mission is to escort a bridge builder to the Land of Waves. He will be arriving in the morning so get some rest and meet back here at eight o'clock sharp. Am I understood?"

"Yes Lord Hokage." Bowing we left the room.



"We should do what the Hokage suggested." Kakashi said.

"I agree. Come on Sasuke, let's go."

Eagerly, we went.

Yuuki Uchiha *editing*Where stories live. Discover now