Chapter Eighteen

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Jiraya and Naruto gave me a bit of space after our conversation. They knew i had a lot to think about. Not about joining the Akatsuki of course but of how i was going to react to Itachi.

"Brother, why are you doing this?" i whispered looking at the family picture i took everywhere of our family. We were happy back then, i couldn't say the same for now. Two were dead, another a traitor, one an avenger, and one who is completely confused at what the hell to do.

In fact, today was the day that Naruto showed Tsunade that he could master the Rasengan.

I decided i'd go with them, regardless of how i felt. Tsunade HAD to become the fifth. Or else we'd all be in trouble.

"Yuuki, i can't wake pervy sage up." Naruto stuck his head in the door.

I sighed and stood. "I'll get him up." and walked into the room next door, where Jiraya was sleeping.

He had fallen onto the floor and was snoring loudly.

I nudged his face with my foot. "He got drunk last night. I can tell. Oki doki! Up you get Jiraya Senpai!"

I kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying across the room.

When he did wake up after that, i checked his pulse. It was beating smoothly.

"Shit. Naruto go and get me some milk. He's been drugged. Tsunade..... And get Shizune while your at it!"

Naruto came in with a glass of milk and went out to get Shizune from upstairs. Earlier today Tsunade had knocked her out and left her there when she tried to stop her from meeting Orochimaru.

I tilted Jirayas head back. His mouth opened and the stench of sake came out. I gagged and poured a bit of milk down his throat.

He coughed and woke up. His eyes weren't entirely focused so i slapped his face softly. "Come on. You've been drugged. Tsunade is gone and we have to go after her." i poured some more milk into his mouth.

When Naruto came back with Shizune, Jiraya senpai was already sitting upright. But he was still drugged.

"What did Tsunade give him?"

"I don't know. I do know how he was drugged though."

"So do i. Tsunade put it in his sake."

"Yeah." Jiraya groaned. "So are we going to go and get Tsunade?"

I stood. "Shizune and i am. You and Naruto can catch up. Let's go Shizune."


"Where did she go?"

"She was here. I swear. Give me a minute." she closed her eyes and concentrated. A frustrated groan. "It's no use. I can't find any trace of her chakra."

"I might. Close your eyes and keep them closed until i say so. Trust me."

She closed her eyes shut tight.

Juro materialized and sniffed the ground.

"Sorry for using you as a sniffer dog. But i really appreciate it." i apologized.

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Tsunade headed to a field in that direction. I can smell her blood as well." he went back into my head.

"You can open your eyes. We need to hurry. This way."

We reached an open field to see Kabuto fighting a frozen Tsunade, who was bleeding.

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune yelled.

Yuuki Uchiha *editing*Where stories live. Discover now