Chapter Twenty

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'A spy.' i thought. The title didn't suit me. Nor did i like it.

I went to the Hokages office to meet up with Tsunade.

I knocked on the door. "Lady Hokage? It's Yuuki. May i come in?"

"Yes." came the reply.

I opened the door and laughed. "Seems as though you have a lot of paperwork to do Milady."

Tsunade put down the pen and sighed. "I always hated doing any work. So what would you be doing here Yuuki?"

"I need you to make an announcement for me for a meeting with all Jounin currently in the village."

"Why would i make that announcement?"

" i'm the ten tails Jinchuuriki. It's time everyone knew what was living in the same village as them."

She gawked. "Why do you want to spread that around the village?"

"Because i've heard that the Akatsuki are looking for them and that if people can't accept who i really am, then they're not my real friends."

"Alright i'll do it. Is there anyone you would like to tell personally beforehand?"

"One. But i can tell her later. The rest i have already told."

"And you're sure about this?"

"Yes." this was the only thing - apart from Kakashi - that i was sure of.

"Very well. Shizune, send a message out to gather all the jounin in the village. Yuuki has an announcement to make."

"Of course Milady."

"Me! But-"

"I never said i would tell them. I only said i would announce the meeting."

"You did too. I guess we'll just have to wait for everyone to get here then."

She nodded.

Within minutes, the room was full of confused looking jounin, Kakashi included. He came over and stood next to me.

"Whats going on?" he asked.

"You'll see soon enough. Lady Hokage is starting to speak."

"I'm sure all of you are wondering why you have been summoned. There is a good reason. I assure you. The ten tails Jinchuuriki has been found."

There was gasping around the room and Kakashi stiffened.

"That Jinchuuriki hasn't been found for generations!" Iruka said to Tsunade.

She looked at me and i nodded, taking it as my signal to start talking.

"If i could have you all pay attention to me." i called over their voices. They wen quiet and looked at me. "Yes. You may be right that the Jinchuuriki hasn't been found for generations. However that has changed."

"How do you know that?" Asuma asked.

"I know. Trust me. The Jinchuuriki has decided to open up to the village to who they really are."

"And who is it?" Kurenai said.

I looked at the ground for a second before standing with my head held high. "I, Yuuki Uchiha, am the Jinchuuriki for the Ten Tails, and have been for nineteen years."

Almost everyone stared at me in shock. I saw in the corner of my eye that Kakashi shook his head.

"And how do we actually know that you are what you say you are?" Guy asked.

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