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Amanda's POV

Marriage is a very sacred sacrament. It is were two people become one. But can you still call it marriage if two people do not love each other? I bet no. It may be a wedding... but it will never be marriage.

"I repeat Mr. Davids. Do you take Amanda Vega as your lawfully wedded wife for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The priest asked him for the third time.

It hurts me a lot. To the point that I am ready to cry infront of everyone here inside this chruch, where my wedding is on.

I do not know his reaction or anyone's reaction because my head is down. As down as I could.

Just say 'I do', Tyler please.

"I... I do." He finally said.

I felt relieved... but I know. Everyone noticed how unpleasant the tone he used.

"Amanda, do you take Tyler Davids as your lawfully wedded husband for better or worse, for sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The priest asked me.

"I do, father." I answered without hesitation.

"I now pronounce you man and wife... you may kiss your bride." The priest proclaimed and people started to clap.

Maybe except for those who are aware of our situation and set up.

I faced him and he did the same. I wanna smile upon seeing his handsome face but I just could not. His expression is as cold as ice.

He slowly pulled my vail up and kissed my lips for a while. And it is quite obvious that he did not want to do it. But it still made me happy deep inside.

People clapped their hands together and some shouted.

So it is official... we are tied. He is my husband now. But will he be a husband to me?

- - - - - -

Silence... an earsplitting silence here inside his car.

After the ceremony, we gathered in a restaurant for celebration that lasted for three hours. And darkness came... here we are infront of the house given by our both parents as our wedding gift.

He stopped the car and no one is saying a word. It is honestly awkward.


"Your things are there." He coldly said, cutting me off.

"My... my things?" I ask as I slowly turn my head at him.

"And some of my things."

"Some?" I curiously asked.

What does he mean 'some'? Bakit hindi lahat?

He icily looked at me. "Of course."

"B-bakit hindi lahat?"

What does he mean with that 'of course'?

He smirked and looked away. "I have my penthouse, Amanda. I have my things there, and many are in my condominium. Simply because I don't wanna stay there all the time."

His words sting. Does he really have to say it to my face that he does not want to be with me?

"We're married, Tyler." I reminded with sadness in my voice.

"But I don't love you."

I was stunned. I'm his wife now but he just slapped me with those words.

SweetheartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon