Twenty Two

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"Patrick" Pete said.  I looked up at him "Come answer this" he said holding up a marker.  I stared at the question on the board and got up walking passed everyone.  I grabbed the marker from his hand.  The answer was simple, putting a comma in the right place wasn't rocket science.  I put it directly before the and.  I turned back around, now that was the hard question to answer.  Everyone had their mouths covered and Pete was on one knee in front of me with a ring in his palm.  I dropped the marker to the ground. 

"Yeah, it's crazy.  I think that's kind of our relationship though. So, will you marry me?" he asked. "I love you, I can't imagine life without you by my side" I smiled. People were recording. us fuck.

"Yes" I whispered. He smiled and stood up. The class all cheered loudly. He slid the ring onto my finger. "I wanna kiss you"

"Do it!" everyone yelled "We won't tell" someone said. I hugged his neck and kissed him. Everyone cheered again. He laughed pulling back.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said smiling.

"Okay, now go sit down so I can assign you homework" he said. 

"Damn, okay" I mumbled. I was gonna get married? Holy shit. Well, I mean I did already live with him. It wouldn't be much different right? Yes it would Patrick. Yes it fucking would. Oh god, I was getting married. I felt totally sick to my stomach. I spent the rest of class staring at the engagement ring on my finger and feeling like I was going to throw up. The bell rang snapping me out of it. I watched everyone leave.

"By Wentz" they said leaving the room. He waved to them smiling. I stood up and walked past him.

"Bye Wentz" I said in a mocking tone. He grabbed my arm pulled me back. "Pete!" I yelled. He hugged my waist tightly "You whore!" I laughed.

"Mhm" he mumbled in my ear. He lightly kissed my cheek.

"Can we talk about this?" I held my left hand up. He stared at the ring playing with it.

"About what?" he asked. I stared at him like I didn't wanna get messed with. "Okay" he laughed. He smiled at me "I love you. I wanna spend forever with you. And I thought, why not propose where and when I first met you" he said.

"I see" I said.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to" He said.

"I do want to" I said "I promise"
The rest of the week was just really weird. Pete was weird and distant. Everyone was just weird. They all acted the same but it al felt weird. Maybe it was just me. Ashlee said it was just me. But, every day was a good day to Ashlee. I was working on the assignment Pete forced us to do silently. He walked around with his arms crossed staring at everyones papers. I was almost done, but it was a really simple assignment. To me at least. He knelt down next to me and snuggled himself into my side. I raised my eyebrow at him. We were usually really professional about it. We barely even looked at each other differently than we did everyone else. He was going through something. I knew him. I threw my free arm around his shoulders and ran my thumb in circles around a spot on his arm. I ignored the stares and tried to focus on my work. He got up from under my arm and took my paper from me as he walked back down the rows. He took finished papers off the desks as he passed. I crossed my arms and stared at him. When he finally had all the papers he faced us.

"Talk amongst yourselves. Free time the rest of the period" he said. Everyone immediately ran to their friends. He walked back over to me and knelt down next to me again.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"They said we can't get married until after you graduate" he said.

"Well, that's not so bad right?" I asked "I mean it's not like they fired you"

"It just sucks. I don't know" he said looking around the classroom. "Shouldn't matter if you're still here, we should be able to get married if we wanna get married"

"I know" I said. He pouted at me. "Don't give me those puppy dog eyes. There's nothing I can do bub"

"I know" he mumbled. I ruffled his pretty hair. "I'm glad you're here right now" he sighed. He leaned against me "If a teacher walks in right now I am so dead" I didn't respond, I just ran my hand through his hair. I guess the best part was that no one even seemed to care. They looked back at us yeah, but then they would smile. And I would smiled back and then look at Pete.

"Your stressing yourself out over nothing. We're still getting married"

"I know" He mumbled. The bell rang. "Bye everyone" he said. Everyone ran out happily. "It's Friday. Let's just go home, and we can order a pizza or something" I leaned down and pressed my lips against his taking him by surprise. He closed his eyes kissing back. Hey, I was allowed to do this now. He pulled back smiling. "I feel a little better"

"Good" I smiled. He bit his lip. "I think its really cute how you're that scary teacher one second, the next your really adorable and just so soft"

"Shut up" he laughed.

"I can't wait to marry you" I pressed my forehead against his "I can't believe I'm marrying you"

"Me either" he bit his lip "I have to ask you something"

"Okay" I smiled.  He stood up awkwardly.  "Whats wrong?"

"Well, how many people have you dated?" he asked.  I blushed lightly.  "Be honest"

"I-I haven't.  You.  I've dated you" I said. 

"Oh" he mumbled.

"Why does that matter?"

"It doesn't.  I was curious"

"Well, how many people have you dated?" I asked.  He crossed his arms over his chest.

"A lot" he said.  "But, mainly because I just wanted to find the one.  Turns out the one came when I wasn't looking"

"Thats me right?" I asked. 

"No, it's my ex that's why you're wearing an engagement ring" he sassed.

"Damn" I whispered "Sassy"

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