Twenty Four

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They kept us home for a week. Going back was rough, but at least I got to see my fiancé during the last period. He was silent when we all walked inside. Everyone looked like they got hit by a bus.

"Patrick" He mumbled. He grabbed my hand and ran his thumb over the back of it "I need a favor, I have to go to the principals he needs to meet with me. Can you watch the class?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said. He stood up. "Good luck"

"Hm, get that gum out of your mouth in my class" He said walking towards the door.

"Okay boss" I sat in his seat chewing my gum. Everyone stared at me. "H-hi" I said awkwardly.

"Hi Patrick" some peopled said.

"Uhm, he'll be back soon he has to talk to the principal" I stared at the computer "Okay apparently you guys are supposed to free write so"

"Does he boss you around at home?" a girl asked. I looked over at the crowd of people.

"Uhm, no. No not really. We tend to keep our student teacher life separate from our private life" I said awkwardly.

"Sorry for asking" she said.

"That's okay. If I were in your shoes I'd have a lot of questions too" I smiled a little. "By the way he has a pop quiz planned for next Monday"

"Awh" The class groaned.

"Well, now you know so you have more time to study" I laughed.

"Do you always know his lesson plans?" a guy asked.

"Nah, he doesn't tell me and to make it fair I try not to snoop. It'd be unfair for me to know before you guys. But, I hate pop quizzes so I warned you all" They laughed. "I'd be a horrible teacher"

"What do you wanna be?" someone asked. I shrugged.

"Honestly, I have no idea. I wanna do something with art"

"Does Pete support you?" The same girl from before asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, he backs me up in all my decisions" I smiled. The classroom door opened. Pete stepped inside.

"Okay, you're relieved of your teaching duties" he said.

"Okay, I'm still chewing my gum" I said getting up.

"Why don't you ever listen to me?" he asked.

"Cause you're cute when you're pissy" I said.

"Stop flirting with me and go sit down" he said trying to hide his smile. I sighed trudging back to my seat. "See this is what I deal with at home" The class laughed again.

"At least I know how to clean my dirty clothes off the floor" I said.

"At least I know how to properly rinse my dishes off"

"Yeah, then I wash them"

"Thats okay cause I do the laundry" He crossed his arms smirking. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Sounds like it's pretty equal" someone giggled. Oh yeah, we're in a classroom.

"It is" Pete said nodding. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Okay, free write. And I want it by the end of the period" everyone groaned. "I know, I'm horrible"

"Yes you are" I said.

"You hush up, I'll deal with you later" he winked. The whole class made an Ooo kind of sound. I blushed red as a tomato which got everyone to laugh.

"Dick" I said. They all laughed harder.

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