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I looked at the beautiful view of the beach,which is also my backyard, from the balcony. I just closed my eyes and I breathed in the salty air. All I felt was peace and tranquility. Nothing in the world could take that away from me at that moment. Nothing in the world. Life is beautiful. I'm the CEO of a top retail business. I'm financially stable. I have a triple storey house and a number of cars. I have a lot of food in my fridge,so the term hungry is something foreign to me. I have a cute dog named Daliah. I'm stress free that is when I'm not at work. What more can a girl ask for?

Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and I realised that its Gina,my best friend and business partner.

"Hey Opal. How are you doing boo?"she said enthusiastically.

"I'm great and you Gina?" I replied.

"You know me. I'm fabulous!"

I laughed.

I walked down the staircase and I looked at my reflection from a mirror that hung on my left hand side and I noticed something I never saw before. I had bags under my eyes. Fatigue was kick in. Having sleepless nights was starting to take its toll on me.


"Yes deary?"

"Is it normal to have bags under your eyes even when you have enough sleep?"

She laughed.

"Enough sleep! You!? All you do is work."

"Come on Gina. I don't work that much."

"If you say so Opal. Anyway,let's meet this afternoon at Sunset Boulevard okay?"

"What for?"

"To do what friends do when they go out,duh."

"Okay Gina. Love you."

"I love you lots"Gina said before hanging up.


It was still quite early so I decided to read my favourite book,12 years a slave by Solomon Northup. I was a nerd and a lot of people didn't know that particular thing about me. That's because I liked it that way. Of course being a nerd is nothing to be ashamed of,but I just didn't want people to know okay. Just call me crazy,but that's the way it is.

While reading it I realised that in some kind of way I too was a slave. Of course I had achieved material success, but deep,deep inside I had no happiness. The reason behind the latter is something I wasn't aware of at first,I discovered what it was later on. It all happened the minute when I realised that whenever I'd look around and see other young women with somebody on their side, my abnormally mickle ego would subside and get replaced by jealousy. That's because they had something I didn't. They had someone to hold. Somebody they could call their own whereas I has nobody by my side.

After having a warm shower I then changed into a Louis Vuitton black and white sweatshirt and matching Louis Vuitton track pants. To top it all off I wore black and white Yeezy's and a black and white Adidas snap cap. I looked at the mirror and smiled. That's because I looked really good. If I was a guy I'd date me.

I grabbed my Louis Vuitton handbag, then I took my Michael Kors shades from the counter top. I activated my security then I locked my large door. I walked over to my garages and I chose to get in my pitch black Mercedes-Benz C 130. I practically jumped into the car due to my excitement. My days spent with Gina always proved to interesting indeed. She was the type of person to make you laugh even after breaking a leg. She'd stand by your side come rain come shine. That's the reason why she and I were inseparable. Everybody needs a friend like that in their lives, someone who sticks with you closer than a brother or sister.

I arrived at Sunset Boulevard after a few minutes of driving. It wasn't as congested as it normally would've been if it was a weekend.  I got out of the car and walked to our favorite restaurant. I took my shades off looking for Gina. I looked to the left then to the right. From the left then to the right,but she was nowhere to be seen. I just couldn't find her. I thought of the one thing that she loved the most. Clothes. Then I decided to go and check out Guess. I looked through the window and saw her holding a handbag . My hypothesis was correct and I had finally found her.

"Gina!" I exclaimed with excitement when I entered the door. Thus getting a lot of stares from people,but I was used to it.

"Opal! How are you my dearest companion?"

"Great as always .You look ravishing Gina my friend!"

"Oh,don't I always?"

Gina looked rather stunning on that particular day. She wore a loose fitting baby blue jumpsuit which complemented her icy blue eyes;baby blue pumps to match and she had her scarlet hair in a bun.

"And you look rather dapper yourself Opal."

"At least I'm not the only one who sees it."

We laughed.

"You don't know how much I missed you Opal." Gina said while giving me a warm,tender hug. I closed my eyes as I inhaled her apple-like scent.

"What are you talking about Gina? I see you all the time at work. We're business partners remember?" I said as I refrained from her embrace.

"I'm aware of that silly. I just missed spending time with you. You're always working. Even when you don't have to."

I gave her a ghost smile. "Where do you wanna eat?"Gina gave me a weird look,because she realised that I was trying to avoid the subject of our conversation,but she accepted the fact that I was never going to answer her question.

"How about Mug&Bean?"

"Great,because I could eat a horse."

"You'll find treasure where you least expect it."

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