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"Don't worry,don't worry we'll be fine.
I know that this is really scary,but let's be calm and DON'T LOOK DOWN!Don't even think about it!" I said to myself.

My heart was beating like a drum.My palms were super swe.  aty.I was worried about my survival.Would I live after this?Will my limbs still be
intact?I didn't know,but it wouldn't hurt to try.

I just went one step at a time.I looked around and I was amazed by the interior decor.I looked at the white roses which surrounded the massive room.I looked at the 'white carpet'.
I looked at all the people who looked and smiled at me.One smile I could not miss was my mother's,who was right next to me.

"Don't worry love.It's time.You always told me that you loved challenges.This will be your biggest one yet,just trust in God and give it your all.You look amazing by the way.No wonder he proposed."my mother whispered into my ear as we reached the altar.

I looked above and I saw a huge,golden halo with white roses around it.I then looked at my husband-to-be.He looked petrified,I wanted to laugh in his face,but I couldn't.I had to behave.I was about to be somebody's wife soon.

As the music stopped, the pastor started with the matrimony service.
"Dearly beloved,we are all gathered here today to witness the joining of two spirits:Opal McAthy and Raphael Saleem.

If there's anyone here who has any reason why these two should not be joined in marriage speak now or forever hold your peace."

I looked behind me and I saw a man lift his arm up.
"Speak up sir."the pastor said
"Oh me,no,no I was just scratching myself.You know how it is."the man said
Everybody laughed.

"Even if he did object I'd marry her anyway."Raphael said
The whole room giggled.
I snorted.Awkward...

"Good then.You may exchange your vows.Starting with Mr. Saleem."
I watched Raphael as he swallowed his spit.He looked at his palms and looked up into my eyes.

"Opal McAthy.I-I don't know where I'd be without you.You have opened my eyes to see a deeper truth.A truth I never knew existed.You saw all my flaws and made me visualise them as things that made me perfect.You gave me the warmth I needed,but could never find.Money,cars and all the material things I have could and will never fill the void that only you and God can fill.I-I know that all this sounds like alot of idle talk,but I just love you and I want to spend my whole life with you."He said.

I felt tears flow down my cheeks.I began to worry not only about my make up,but about what I'd say.
This dude even cried.
How could I top that?

"Raphael.My Raph.My love."I said as I brushed his cheek.

"I look all around me now and I feel like a different person.To be quite frank and honest with you;I once resented marriage,not because I didn't support it,but because I was afraid it would not last.
I looked at all those I knew who got married and thought what would happen to me.I was afraid.Well,I'm glad to say that all that is a matter of the past.

You came into my life and showed me that somewhere out there there's a God who loves me so much that He gave His only Son as a sacrifice,so I may live.And I thank Him,because if He didn't I wouldn't have met you.

I'm so imperfect,but you showed me that you don't care about any of my imperfections,you just want to give me your love.You saw a valuable treasure in me and you decided to go get it.I love you Rapahel.And I hope that God helps me love Him so I can love you and myself more."I said and after that I looked straight into his eyes and held his hands

My sister's son,Jaygen arrived with the rings.
"That was beautiful."the pastor said while wiping his tears away.
"Now repeat after me,Opal:I,Opal McAthy take you Rapahel Saleem..."
"I,Opal McAthy take you Raphael Saleem."
"To love and to hold..."
"To love and to hold."I repeated
"In sickness and in health and in poverty or wealth..."
I said all that.
"Till death do us apart."
I held his shoulders.
"Till death do us apart."
Then I slipped the platinum ring into his finger.

Raphael said the same words to me and slipped a gold ring with a huge heart shaped Opal on my finger.Man I love that dude.

I meant every word I said.Nobody said that it would all be hugs and kisses.There'll be trials and tribulations too,but with God on our side we could make the best of it.It was time to make it official.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife.Now we all know what that means."
The whole congregation and the pastor all shouted:
"You may now kiss the bride!"

I blushed shyly and giggled.
Raphael whispered into my ear.
"I've always wanted to do this.And by the way,I told you that I was gonna make you my wifey."

I laughed.And without any warning he gave me a kiss.

I whispered into his ear:
"Do you think we should tell them how we really met?"
"I don't think they'd believe us,love."
So here I am.Opal Saleem.A Mrs.
A woman who saw the impossible and then God showed up and showed me that He had greater plans for my life.

Life is like the weather.You don't know when it's going to change all you have to do is have Faith that it will clear up.I don't know why,but I guess it's much interesting that way.

The End🌟

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