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I was in a forest.The same one I was in,during my previous dream.I still had a wedding dress on.I walked pass a few trees for a while 'till I reached the cemetery.I searched for my name,but I didn't find it.Then my gaze fell upon a particular tombstone.One which had Raphael's name on it.

Raphael Saleem

I was getting really sick of all these weird dreams!Why couldn't the message be straight forward?

"Stop complaining and walk towards the light."said the voice that I was beginning to know as God.

Without any hesitation, I decided to do as I was told.I walked towards the bright light,which made it hard for me to find my way.While using my left hand to hide me from the light's harsh rays,I realised that the light came from behind a door.

I wondered if I should open the door or not.I wanted to open it,because I'm very adventurous.On the other hand I had no idea what was behind it.

"Go back to the cemetery."the Voice said

I walked for a while until I reached my destination.
"Look to your left."
I looked to my left and I saw the grave with my name on it.
"Now look to your right."
I saw the grave with Raphael's name on it.

"What does this mean,Lord?"' I asked out of confusion
"I've been watching you destroy yourself bit by bit Opal.I've seen you deprive yourself of joy,peace and most of all LOVE."
"I was afraid Lord,I was afraid of having something then losing it and remain with just a mere memory."
I said while looking down at the ground below.

"That was THEN,right NOW I know that You are with me.I know that You care and You love me.I know that unlike most of the things of the world,you never change.Love,peace and joy comes from you.Therefore since they- being mere abstractions-come from You they'll never change or end.I just need to go and take them by the hand and enjoy them." I said and after that I swallowed my spit,because I said alot of things to a King.

It was silent for a while.
I thought that I had said something wrong.

"That's the reason why I sent you here.
I wanted you to know that there is more to life than riches,fame and pain.
Do you think that I created you to be born,go to school,get a job,get married,have children and die?"

I thought for a while.Then I came to a conclusion.
"And why do you say so?"He asked
"Because.Because You didn't create us in the likeness of robots.You created us in Your image.You created us with a purpose.I'd love to know mine."

"Now that, my child will be revealed in the near future."
"Why can I not know it now?"
"What is the fun in that?!"

I laughed.

"Now that you have learnt what I wanted you to learn,you can leave.But remember that life is full of more lessons to learn.Life won't be easy,but if you walk with Me it will be filled with joy.I sent My Son to give eternal life to all.I sent Him to help you and many others around the world to be free from the chains of the enemy.Just let Him in."

I had alot of questions to ask.Like for instance:'How is heaven?';'Will I make it in?';'How did You really create mankind?'.And alot more.

Anyway those questions could wait.

"Just go and open the door,whenever you're ready.Just do not take forever though.Time is not on your side.And take care."

I walked towards the door.

"Oh and Lord, thank You for all You have done in my life and I ask for forgiveness for all I've ever done."
"I forgave you a long time ago."

I cried just only for a while.
It was time.Time to go.Time to leave.
Time to get back to reality.

I almost forgot about Raphael.
Oh dear Raphael.
I just know that God has a greater plan.We'll meet again.
I looked behind me and I realised that the graves disappeared.

"I'm ALIVE!" I screamed.I felt alive too.

I looked at the Diamante door knob.
To open or not to open, that was the question.

I decided that I was done with fear.
I was done with it.
I was done with pain,it was just a thing of the past.

Behind that door lay my destiny.
Behind that door my future was waiting.

"You cannot stand there forever Opal."

I put my hand on the cold Diamante door knob.I closed my eyes.
I breathed in and out.

I opened the door.
LIGHT.I was surrounded by light.
It was a spectrum of multiple colours.
I was in mid air or so I thought.
I still had the wedding dress on.
It was different from the one I wore before.
I looked at my right hand.
My ring finger had a ring on it.
It was made of sterling silver.
It had a huge opal stone in the centre.
The stone was surrounded by diamonds.

Whoever I got married to had taste,just saying.

Suddenly I felt sleepy.
I closed my eyes.
I felt really at ease.
I felt peace.
I felt warmth,like someone held me in their arms.


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