The fight of memories

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The school day ended pretty quickly and it turned to night. Nothing happened but Conor decided to take Amaya out for a night out. Calling her on his phone,  he was already in his nightclothes and on his bed. "Hello?"

"Hey Amaya."

"Hey Conor, what's up?"

"Wanna go on patrol tonight?"

"Sure! I see why not."

"Ok, I'll meet you in HQ. Bye."

"Bye." She hangs up, Conor transforms but instead of she transforming too, she calls Greg.

"Hey Greg, I'm bout to go out with Conor so get ready. We're ending this tonight."

"Ok Amaya, I'll transform after you guys leave HQ."

"Ok, bye."

"Bye." She transforms and meets Catboy there.

"Hello Owlette."

"Hello Catboy. So what are we going to patrol?" He chuckles, she found it unsettling because it wasn't his laugh. It was someone else laugh.....

"The city of course, let's go." Owlette nods and they go out. It was a peaceful and perfect night... Until the cat boy came out of HQ. Due to the shifted balance of Yin & Yang, the night turns darker and the moon stays behind the clouds. "Wow.... It's really dark..."

"Well it doesn't matter. Let's hop to it."

"Ok...." He kept hopping building to building while she flies to check that everything was in place. A darkness start to spread when Catboy was near a flower and it died instantly. It followed him, a certain boy saw and kept going till he was there. Owlette and her friend was sitting on a building top while looking at the moon that was hiding behind the clouds. "Hey guys. I didn't expect to show up here." They turn around to meet Gekko with a book.

"What'ch doing here Gekko?" The feline boy asks, he was starting to suspicious and starting to turn unstable. He tried controlling it but where his cat icon was, it started to turn black. Not noticing, the boy in green sits next to Catboy and shows them the book.

"Oh, I was just coming out here to relax and read out memory book."

"Cool! Hey Catboy do you remember the great times we had! Man.... They were fun especially when it came down to moments that involved all of us. Let's look through it!"

"Ok....." 'Catboy' was really unsure of this and didn't want to look through it but if it made Owlette happy, he'll do it.

"Sure!" They start looking through it, they kept talking and junk until they hit a certain page. The day they became the Pj masks, there was a photo that included them and the animals. A tear falls on the page as the other two look at the cat. "Conor?"


"Amaya I think it's -"


"Why what?"

"Why did you show me this.... ? What was this purpose?" They sigh and nod at each other to confess.

"Conor we know. We know about you Yin and we're going to balance you out."

"Yeah, like she said."

"....." Grabbing his wrist, he throws Gekko to the ground then runs away with Owlette on his shoulder.

"Conor! Hey! Let me go!! Gekko!" The lizard boy gets back up and starts going after them. He notices that the city was turning into a void. "Oh no...." Following them, he kept going until he called them. "Stop this right now Conor! We know you're in there." Putting her down, he had a firm grip on her wrist and turns to face Gekko. Slashing at him, blood on was upon him, on his claws. Seeing that Gekko was trying to get up but his arm was bleeding badly. It only filled him with yin and made him lost himself even more. Crying heard from a Owlette, he blocks her out. "Stop! Stop! Stop! You're hurting him, please! Please, stop!" She try's to pull away but that only made her more useless. He lets go and makes a black rope tieing her up that's stuck to the ground.

"Come on, snap out of it Catboy! This isn't you!" But he didn't hear it, he just walks slowly up to him to try to slice him. Crying, he looks at his friend that was consumed by darkness. "C-Conor... I-I know you are there... B-But if I fail... I-I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for not stopping this a-and that you were like a b-brother to me...." The feline stops in front of him and raises his claws. "G-Go ahead... A-At least I'll know that I was trying to h-help a friend..." Smiling at him, he was ready for his fate.

"Let's kill him! Now, Now, Now! He's gotten in the way to many times!"


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