Wally West x Reader

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It was a cold and rainy Sunday morning. A girl named (Y/N) sat on a pavement on the street as she bawled her eyes out. People stared and whispered amongst each other as they watched her, walking past like it was any other day to them.

(Y/N) sat there for hours on end. She had no food, no water, no clean clothes, and no place to go to. That was until a boy with the most striking green eyes came over to her and gave her a smile.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, running a hand through his messy bedhead red hair, he held an umbrella in his other hand, shielding (Y/N) and himself from the rain momentarily, "Why are you alone out here? It's cold outside."

"M-my parents kicked me out of the house." (Y/N) said shamefully, "I have nowhere to go."
She sighed, scolding herself for having just lied through her teeth. The reason she was out there was really that she had these... powers. She could do change the weather with her emotions. She had no control over it, and that day, she wasn't in her best mood. She knew what would happen if she didn't get her mood under control, but she just couldn't stop. Her school day hadn't gone very well, especially not with that Hailey Abrams picking on her all day.
Ugly, Weirdo, Freak.
She never knew what she did to deserve something like that. And the worst part is, she actually set the school on fire. Thunder struck and the school lit up like a Christmas tree.

As soon as she got home, her parents ran up to her, asking if she was okay, as they had just heard what happened. But she wasn't in the mood for her parents annoying overprotecting. So she got mad, again. The lightning struck, the house burned down, and that's how the story goes.

For the rest of the day, she had been upset, cursing herself for being so stupid. Her emotions were stupid. It rained all day and it was her fault. But nonetheless, the boy smiled at her and held his hand out to her.

"You could stay with me if you wanted." He smiled sincerely at her, "We have a spare room, and as long as you help out around the house, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind."

"B-but I don't want to be a burden to you." She mumbled under her breath, it was just an excuse not to go near anymore people because she knew she'd hurt them. But after all the pain and the crying, she felt emotionless. The rain had stopped along with her emotions.

"Nonsense, a pretty girl like you wouldn't be a burden." He said, holding his hand out for her to shake, "I'm Wally West."

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" she replied.

"Well then, (Y/N)," Wally said, putting a jacket around her shoulders as he noticed she was shivering, "Why don't we go get something for you to eat, and then we can go to my place?"

"Th-that would be great, thank you."

Word Count: 517 Words

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