Jason Todd x Sister! Reader

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Just a short note- I know Red Hood isn't in the Young Justice team, but I just had to do this one >.<
And I know this isn't about them being romantically involved with each other, I thought I'd do something a little different. Again, sorry.  

(Y/N) winced as she felt the stinging pain on her cheek, scenes from her past flashing before her eyes. She used to get beaten up by her dad. He'd always needed to take his anger out on someone, and since Jason could always fight back, he went on the smaller and weaker target - (Y/N).

Jason's eyes widened as his hand shook, his palm stinging from the slap he had just given (Y/N). They were having a heated argument, and he just suddenly hit her. He looked at (Y/N) who was covering her painful cheek with her hand, her eyes watering slightly.
"(Y/N), I..." Jason steps forward, as he intended to comfort his poor little sister, but she only stepped back, whimpering in fear as she shook, her tears cascading down her cheeks. He'd never seen his brave little sister, who managed to take down a mugger all on her own, so scared, especially of her own brother.

As he takes another step forward, she backs up into a wall, hiding her face. "P-Please don't hurt me..." she says, he hand falling off her cheek, revealing a large bruise on almost the whole left side of her face. That was just how hard he'd hit her.
She feared the fact that her own brother- her last living family member would turn to hurt her, just like her father, then she'd have no one.

All of these years, Jason would never lay a single harmful finger on his little sister, knowing what she'd been through, that was the last thing he'd do. But this, this was an accident. He had over reacted.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry..." He said, stepping forward as (Y/N) tried to back away further into the wall, as if it was possible. But as she saw the chance, she got up and bolted straight down the hall where her room was, running in as she slammed the door shut just before Jason could get to her.
She didn't know why she was so afraid, but she was horrified, she was traumatic, she felt that at any moment she'd have a panic attack.

It's been quite a while since the scene to place. (Y/N) didn't know how long exactly, she hadn't been keeping track of time. She had heard her brother mumble some apologies through the other side of the door, but she had ignored them, she wasn't ready to come out.
But she was hungry, she felt as if she could starve to death at any moment. She decided she'd finally come out of her room, though she may have to face her brother, who was someone she didn't want to see right now. She realized she had over reacted just as he had, and she promised herself that if she saw him out there, she would apologize to him.

She slowly crept to her bedroom door, opening it, making sure to be as quiet as possible. But as she opened the door all the way, she saw he big brother sitting outside her door, knees to his chest, asleep. He had been waiting there for her all evening. (Y/N) was moved. Jason wasn't the sentimental type, and this was new. He stirred as the door closed with a thud, by accident, of course.

"...(Y/N)...?" he mumbles as his eyes slowly open. But before he could say anything else, (Y/N) pulled him in for a hug. It took him a while, but he finally brought his arms around her and hugged back.

"I - I'm so sorry..." (Y/N) said, "I'm so sorry, Jason."
She sobbed into his shoulder as the two siblings shared an emotional moment, which was rare for the two, but they savored it while they could, because who knows how long it'll be before they get to see this side of each other again?

Word Count : 686 Words

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