Connor Kent / Superboy x Reader

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(Y/N) sat in her room at Mount Justice, her knees were up to her chest as she sobbed into her palms. Sadly, this was nothing new.

(Y/N)'s boyfriend, Connor, also known as Superboy has anger issues. He got mad so easily, a lot of the times (Y/N) didn't know what she or anyone had done wrong. Artemis, (Y/N)'s best friend would try and come to her room to comfort her, but sometimes it just didn't work.

"I don't understand how she puts up with him." Artemis says to Wally, "He treats her like trash."


Connor sat at the couch, staring at the static on the TV. He could just hear (Y/N)'s heartbreaking sobs coming from her room. He never meant to yell at her, sometimes he just couldn't control it. It wasn't even her that he was mad at. Mentally punching himself, he got up from the couch and walked over to (Y/N)'s door.

Knocking, he called out to her, "(Y/N)..."

On the other side of the door, (Y/N) jumped in surprise. Connor had never done something like this. She'd usually had to be the one to leave him alone for a while to let him cool down. But she wasn't ready to see him yet. She was scared that he'd still be mad, and though she knew that he could hear her breathless sobs from wherever he was, she didn't want to let him see her so weak. She didn't want to let him see her cry.

"(Y/N)... please open the door." Connor said. He sighed, he definitely deserved it if she ignored him. He had been such a bad boyfriend, it would actually be acceptable for her to go on and break up with him, and never speak to him again.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry."

(Y/N) only waited, praying that he'd just go away. And after a few moments, it was silent, though (Y/N) could very well see through the small cracks of the door that he was still standing there, waiting for her to open the door.
And he would wait as long as it took.


The next morning, (Y/N) woke up groggy, her face stiff from the tears that had been left on her eyes as she cried herself to sleep. She got up and changed. Moments later, she was ready to go and she opened the door, to gasp at the sight. Connor. He still stood there. Tall and strong. Had he stood there overnight?

"C-Connor? What... Were you..." (Y/N) was at a loss for words. Had he really just stood there the whole time? A little scary, but was this some kind of new commitment?

But all Connor did was pull (Y/N) in for a hug.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I didn't even know why I was-"

You cut him off with a kiss on the lips. You knew apologies weren't something Connor was really good at, so you'd save him the embarrassment. That was just who you are.

As Artemis watched everything from afar, she smiled at the two.
Now if only Wally were that smooth.

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