Dick Grayson! Robin x Reader

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Dick Grayson.

You and him have been the best of friends since... well, forever.
Well, until his parents died and he disappeared on you.
Well... not exactly disappeared. He was adopted. By who? You never got to know. You were too young.

At the circus, he was your only friend. Well apart from the people in your act, but that was because it was necessary.
The night it happened, your act had already passed and you were pumped, waiting for Dick behind the curtains.

But he never came back. He was taken away. You were devastated. 

A while after, word got to you that he had been adopted. Your best friend, your only friend. He'd been taken away from you, and you didn't even get to see him before he had to leave. You never got the chance to say goodbye.

You became depressed. People tried to help you, but you wouldn't take it. You ran away from the circus. You left to live in the city. You stole money from the rich, breaking into their homes and taking their precious things. You pick pocketed off the streets and you were good at it. Really good.

It soon got to you and you began doing it as a habit. It was an escape for you. It was how you got away. You've been doing it for a long time. You've had many, countless encounters with Batman and you got away every time. It was your thing. You kept your communication to a minimum. You never spoke and you never even made a little bit of sound, even when you were in pain. It was like you were invisible.

Then came a day. You were going to go rob a bank, but of course you wouldn't be stupid enough to do it without someone else - Catwoman. You met Selina Kyle when you were just passing by. She got caught up in a robbery and Batman had almost caught her, when you jumped in and helped her out. Since then you've been pretty well acquainted with her and you've been going on heists with her from time to time. But this time, the bank you were about to rob was just by the Wayne Enterprises building, which, you'd be a fool to even try to rob that. Even if you were with a bunch of villain friends.

You stood watch outside as Selina went in. You heard shouting and gunshots, but you just stood there, leaning off the wall by the entrance, not letting anyone in or out. 
Soon enough, just as expected, Batman arrived. But he skipped the entrance and entered from the top, and when you looked back down, you were met with the face of a young boy in a domino mask. 


You've never encountered Robin, but you've heard a lot about him. The Boy Wonder Saves The Day! You often read in newspaper headlines.
None of you say a word, though you continue to observe his features. He looked fairly familiar. But he could really just be anyone.

Before you realized it, he had come charging at you which you swerved to the side at the last minute, just avoiding his attack.

"I wouldn't mind a little help, you know?!" You hear Selina yell over your comm line, "Batman's in here!"

I sigh dodging all of Robins really fast kicks, struggling just a bit.

"I can see that!" You yelled in reply to your comm link, "But I'm a little busy myself!"

And just as you finish your reply, you get pushed back onto a wall by none other than the Boy Wonder himself. He had a curious look in his eyes, though they were masked.
You squint to try and look through the whites of his mask though it was tough.

But you saw it. The blue. The electric blue of his eyes. So bright it shone through. But you only knew one person with eyes like that. Eyes that may look the same to others but they looked different to you. Eyes you admired so much that you could stare into them all day.

Your look of shock turned into a frown. That's impossible, this person is gone. You don't know where he is. He's been adopted by some rich man and he'd be having such a wonderful life. But then you looked up at the Wayne Enterprises building. Your frown deepened. Wayne. Bruce Wayne. Dick Grayson the ward of Bruce Wayne.


Realization hit you like a truck as you stared at him in shock.

"D-Dick? Dick Grayson?" You replied, shaking. You had never spoken in front of your 'enemies' before, this was your first time. Your voice was a little rough as a tear slipped down your cheek.

"Who are you?" He asked, bewildered. He wasn't even mad, as you'd imagine he'd be.

You reluctantly yanked the hood off your head and pulled down the bandana around the rest of your face.

And then it was his turn. His eyes widened in surprise, you could tell as his mask shifted on his face a little bit. And now, realization hit him like a truck as he stared at you in shock.

"(Y-Y/N)?" He says, a little- okay, a lot taken aback.

First, he pulls you into a hug, his voice shaking, "I thought I'd never see you again."
Then, he pushes you back onto the wall and says, "Why? Why'd you turn to a life of crime? It's so unlike you!"

You sighed, not able to say much except pulling him into another hug. You haven't seen him in so many years and you just didn't want to argue with him when you did. Slowly, he gave in to the hug and hugged you back.

"Ahem." a gruff voice said. The two of you looked up to see Batman and Catwoman, of course, Catwoman in handcuffs. Her eyebrow was raised at you in question.

You took a step back, pulling your hood back over your head and pulling up your bandana from around your neck. Robin, or Dick, rubbed the back of his neck. It was a thing he did a lot when you were kids, God, you missed it.

You were brought back into the Batcave with Dick, as the two of you explained everything. Batman only nodded the whole time. When you finished, Batman pulled Robin aside to talk, and when they came back, Robin had this huge grin on his face as Batman announced to you that he'd take you as his new protege, though only if you'd agree, of course. 
He also made you promise to never steal again, which you did... reluctantly, but you did.

And your story goes on from there...

Word Count: 1122 Words

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