Bart Allen / Impulse x Reader

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Bart and (Y/N). Best friends since who-knows-when. Dynamic duo. The two were in the Junior Justice League together and both of them were incredibly attractive people with their own admirers.
Every girl at school had their eyes on Bart, and every boy at school had their eyes on (Y/N).
Then there'd be those occasional confessions. Someone would come up to one of them and ask them out or something, but they always said no.

(Y/N) didn't know about Bart, but she'd always get bullied by the girls. When Bart would turn them down, they'd blame (Y/N) for it, saying that she was a distraction, that she was in their way, that she was a slut, a bitch, a whore. Sometimes, just sometimes, it all became too much. (Y/N) knew that she should never let them get to her.
But we all know that it wasn't the easiest thing to do.

She took a day to herself. She wanted to cry, she wanted to get mad, she wanted to let it all out.
After school, she turned to Bart as they walked together down the hall towards the exit.
"Hey Bart, I can't go home with you today." she says, to him as he gives her a confused frown, they always walked home together. No matter what.
"What? Why?" Bart asked the pretty girl standing in front of him, "Are you going somewhere?"
She shook her head, "No, I... I just wanted to..." she couldn't think of an explanation that seemed valid enough for Bart not to be suspicious. So instead of actually completing her sentence, she walked away in silence, hoping Bart would just leave it alone. She'd never done anything like this before.

Bart stared at her as she walked off in a direction that was different from where they usually went. Was something wrong?

He decided he'd follow her. Covertly, of course. He was worried about her, worried if something would happen to her.

As (Y/N) walked down the road, she found a place where she could be alone. It was a little lake just by the edge of town. The sound of the flowing water just calmed her. She sat down by the edge of the water, closing her eyes.
Slowly, the voices came back to her.

"You slut! You ruined my chances. Bart is mine, got that?!"
"Stop being such a distraction, you're always in the way! Nobody needs you anyway!"
"What a bitch, she's stealing Bart from all of us."
"Geez, whore!"

Don't they see that they were the ones who were throwing themselves at him?

Slowly the tears began to fall down her cheeks. Man, if she ever needed to cry in drama class, this was an easy fix. She picked up pebbles from just around her and began throwing them into the water, using her telekinesis to skip the stones on the water.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past her. She immediately knew what was going on.
A speedster.

"Bart?" She says, taking a guess.

Bart, knowing that he had been found out, came out from behind a tree.
"Sorry, (Y/N), I was just worried about you-" he said, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw the tear stains on her cheek and her puffy eyes, "Were you crying?"

(Y/N) only nodded, knowing that if she even tried to deny it, he'd find out right away.

"Why?" he asks her, sitting down by the water next to her, brushing a strand of hair away from her eyes.
"Nothing." (Y/N) mumbles, looking away, picking up a stone using her mind and skipping it on the water again. She hadn't planned for Bart to be here, she just wanted to be alone. But seeing his bright eyes and smile just made her day better than it was before.

They were silent for a while, till (Y/N) decided to speak up.

"Bart, you have all those girls who ask you out everyday." she says, though her heart clenched at the thought of letting him go. But he would never see her that way, so she had to accept it the way it is, "Why don't you go out with one of them?"
She'd hope to get those girls off her back, she couldn't keep taking that every day.

Bart shook his head with a shy, but boyish smile on his face, "I have my eyes on someone else." he stared at the water, "But I'd have no idea if she'd ever like me back."

That's it. The last piece of (Y/N)'s heart was shattered. So he did like someone. There goes my chances.

But (Y/N) sucked it up, being the brave girl she always was.

"Who is she?" she asked, "Have I met her?"
Bart shook his head gingerly, "Not unless you've met yourself."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened as the words sunk in. He was talking about me the whole time.

"I like you, (Y/N)." Bart said, "I just never had the guts to tell you, because I know you'd never like me back."

You put your hand over his, "Bart, you don't know what you're talking about." she says, "Of course I like you back."
On impulse, (Y/N) planted a kiss with her soft lips onto Bart's cheek, which reddened at the touch.
She giggled at his adorableness, and they spent the rest of their afternoon together in their new relationship.

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