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I bolted up in my bed. Where was I again?
Oh right, in my dorm.
I looked outside to see the sun had just risen on the strange painting above my bed. I climbed out of my bed, got dressed in my robes and went downstairs. Last night had been so exciting, I'm with Severus, so I now know that at least that I have one friend. The gang of year seven Slytherins seemed to forgive me as soon as soon I joined their house.

When I walked down to the common room, I saw a head sticking out from the top of one of the chairs. It had black hair that I had only just noticed was quite greasy. I crouched down and snuck up behind him. "Boo," I hissed as I wrapped my arms around his chest. I felt him flinch, then relax. "Myst," he whined. "Got you," I said with pride, still keeping my arms around his chest. "Yes, I can see that, but can you let go, you're going to break my ribs," he warned in a humorous way. I let go and he finally turned his head to me and smiled. "Morning sleepy head," he teased. "Hey, no one else is awake, we're the first ones, so don't call me a sleepy head," I cried, trying my best to sound offended.

I walked over to the fire and tried to warm up. "Geez, it's a bit cold in here, don't you think?". I turned to Severus to see him looking at me quizzically. "You're not used to temperatures lower than 25 degrees are you?" He asked. "Lower than 25 degrees! That's freezing!" I exclaimed. He grinned at me. "I'm gonna go down to the Great Hall for breakfast, you wanna come?" He offered. "Yeah, sure. Just let me get some stuff," I answered and made my way up to the dorm. "Go on without me, I'll catch up," I called as I closed the door, trying not to wake the other girls.

Just as my door closes, I heard a yell, followed by a series of laughter. I threw open the door and bolted to the exit, where Snape had just left. I stumbled out to see a group on my left, sniggering and giggling. And of course, it was Arabella, Sirius, James, Remus and Peter, formally named as the trouble makers. I softly growled after them, giving them a glare and turned the other way. I had just caught a glimpse of a green cloak running around a corner. I ran after it and eventually, caught up with Severus.

"Are you alright?" I said. He turned to me and I watched a bubble roll down the side of his head. "What do you think?" He growled. His hair had turned odd shades of pink, blue, purple, green and yellow. "I can fix the colours, I read it in a book once, but the shampoo I can't get rid of," I offered. His eyes lit up with rage. "That girl... I will get her back," he growled. With a wave of my wand, his hair turned the usual black, although it was a little less greasy. "Don't worry about it, you can wash the shampoo out tonight, for now...let's go get breakfast!" I cheered. I lead the way, Snape still grumbling behind me. "I swear, I will get that group back, if it's the last thing I'll do," I promised to myself.

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