Chapter 2

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I was sitting a a large desk with my hands tied behind my back. What the hell?! I think to myself.

I was somewhere I didn't know and tied up! I started to hyperventilate, but then I remembered what happened. I was arrested...

I stopped hyperventilating and started tearing up. How I could I let this happen? How could this happen to me? It's all that Korse guys fault!

The tears streamed down my face at the memories of what that creepy bald man did to me. I sighed and collected myself.

Now's that the time to cry. I have to think of a way to get out of here. Luckily, the oddly attractive sheriff wasn't in here.

No no no! I can't call him attractive! I can't think of someone who arrested me and will more that likely hurt me unless I get out of here!

Lucky for me I know how to get out of handcuffs. I slid my hands under my feet, careful with the one with the broken ankle.

Once I successfully brought my hands from behind my back I started digging through my pockets, hoping to God the sheriff didn't go through them while I was out.

Thank god I still had all my stuff. I smirked once I felt my hair clip. I carefully stuck it in the little keyhole of the cuffs. It took a minute but I finally got them off.

I rubbed my sore wrists and noticed dried up blood on them and the cuffs. I rolled up my sleeves and see that some of my scars had opened up.

I glared at the cuffs and knocked them off the table. That fucking asshole! He put the cuffs on too tight! What a jackass!

I got up and hesitantly walked over to the door. Ok, Willow. You gotta be quick, he's more than likely has cameras in here and is on his way right now!

I opened the door and looked around the hallway. I see a door in the far distance to my left. I looked to my right to see a few cells, a desk to the right of them, and in the middle are the front doors!

No sign of sheriff boy yet. I looked around one more time to make sure I didn't miss him before quickly limping to the entrance.

I'm gonna make it! I'm home free I'm almost there! I was having a mini celebration in my head that I didn't notice the black haired male sitting at the front desk.

Something grabbed ahold of my hood and held me up off my feet, practically manhandling me! "Going somewhere, sugar?" No! I was so close! "NO! LET ME G-"

"No? That's what I thought!" He interrupted. I could hear the smile in his words. That sadistic son of a bitch! He turned me around in his hold.

"You didn't really think you could leave that easily, did you?" He asked, putting his index finger on my jaw while his thumb was on my chin.

I glared and slapped his hand as hard as I could. "Asshole." I mumbled. He only smiled and chuckled. He then looked down at my hands.

"How did you get out of those handcuffs?" He asked, still manhandling me as he brought his face closer to mine.

"Because fuck you that's how!" I spat. He wiped the little spit from his face and gave me a weird smile. "I don't ever fuck the people I arrest, but maybe I'll make an exception for you!"

He said winking at me. My face burned up and I started punching his chest. "PUT ME DOWN!!!" I screamed. Sheriff boy laughed and put me down but didn't let go of me.

"You're really ballsie, I'll give you that!" He laughed. I crossed my arms and attempted to jerk away, but he tightened his grip on me.

"Not so fast. Get up against the wall." He said, his seriousness and authority returning to his voice. For fear of being hurt I did what he said.

I put my hands on the wall and leaned forward and he began patting me down. He reached into every pocket and pulled all my things out.

All my things such as matches, my slingshot, razors, cigarettes, switch blade, and all my bread... When he got to my back pockets he stop and his hands lingered there!

Yeah, he had his hands on my ass!!! I opened my mouth to yell at him but he slid his hand in one of the pockets and pulled out whatever was in there.

"Oh, who's this this?" He asked. I turned my head to see he was looking at a picture of me and my parents and little sisters.

A tear slid down my face and I turned back to the wall. "My family...." I mumbled. "Ah." He said and continued to pat me down.

He got to my broken ankle and I hissed in pain. "What's the matter? Did you twist your ankle?" He asked. I sighed and moved my foot away.

"I think it's broken..." I said. Just like the rest of me... "Whoa are you crying?" He asked. Shit! I didn't even realize it! He must have heard it in my voice.

I quickly wiped my face of the tears and turned around. "N-no!" I blurted out. Thank god my hair covers my eyes, they were probably red and puffy at this point.

He sighed and put all that he took from me in a giant ziplock bag that had the word EVIDENCE written on it.

"Alright then. Let's go." He said before lifting me into his arms bridal style making me squeak in surprise. "Hey! Wh-what gives?!"

I stuttered. He just smiles at me. "You can't walk on a broken ankle, doll." He said, walking back to the room I woke up in.

He sat me down on the same chair and picked up the bloody handcuffs from the floor. "Why is there blood on these?"

He asked. I looked down and grabbed the hem of my black torn up shirt. "Because you put them on too tight!" I said, glaring at him and rubbing my wrists.

Hey, I wasn't lying. They really were too tight, but I don't want him knowing about my scars. They're none of his business anyways!

He set the cuffs aside and sat down across from me. "So, Willow, is it?" He asked. I nodded. My name is on all the wanted posters. Everyone knows my name.

"Thought so. I'm Gerard Way, sheriff of Emo Town." He said, introducing himself. Emo Town huh? A bit unoriginal, but I won't judge. After all, the city I grew up in is called Battery.

"How old are you?" He asked, looking at his phone. "20.... You?" I replied looking back down. "30." He stated.

I looked back up with wide eyes. "R-really? You're 30?" I asked. Gerard nodded not taking his eyes off his phone.

"You don't look that old..." I mumbled. There's no way he's ten years older that me! "Honestly you look more like you're 18." I said.

Gerard looked up at me, smiled cutely, and looked down. "Aw, thanks sugar!" He said blushing. Aw how cute! Wait what?!

No Willow! You can't think that about him! He arrested you! No being nice to him! He's just gonna hurt you anyways!

"That wasn't a compliment." I said. Ok, much better! "Yeah well I took it as one. Deal with it!" He said sassily.

I raised my eyebrow at him even though my hair is covering my eyes. "So tell me, why do you steal?" He asked tapping his fingers on the table.

"Sometimes you do things you need to do to survive..." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Survive from what?" Gerard asked.

"The cold streets... I'm homeless." I said ashamed at the fact that I'm just some street rat. "Ah, I see. Where are you from?"

He asked. He's the sheriff, I thought he was gonna harshly interrogate me and do stuff like tie me up and put a gun on the table.

Instead he's having a normal conversation with me? I sighed and scratched the back of my head. "It's so weird. It's called Battery." I said. "Battery? You're from Battery City?"

He asked. I noticed he was tense. "Yeah. It's a piece of shit." I said looking back down as tears formed in my eyes. An awkward silence broke out for about five minutes.

"So Willow, I just texted the doctor. He's a good friend of mine. He's on his way right now to put a cast on your ankle."

Gerard said, now changing the subject. "Alright, thanks." I said. Wait, why did I say thanks? This dude fucking arrested me!

Arrested By The Sheriff Of Emo TownWhere stories live. Discover now