Chapter 3

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"This is her?" The doctor asked looking down at me. He was really really tall! Again, I'm really really short so... The dude had a dark brown fro and was wearing doctor clothes, only, instead of them being green they were all black. "Yup!" Gerard replied popping the p. "Willow this is Dr. Toro, he'll be  treating your ankle." He said, standing next to Dr. Toro. He smiled sweetly at me and held his hand for me to shake. "You can just call me Ray." He said. I smiled back and shook his hand. He seemed really friendly.

"Alright, I'm gonna start with the X-ray then the analysis." He said putting his briefcase down on the desk. I nodded as he got his equipment ready. "Prop you leg on the desk please." Ray said as he took out several different things. I did what he asked and carefully rolled up my pant leg on my knee and took my shoe off. "Ok!" Ray blurted out as he adjusted his rubber gloves. He put some really cold gel on my ankle and spread it around causing me to his in pain. Gerard leaned on the doorway with his arms crossed as he watched, smirking at me whenever I looked at him.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Ray finished the X-ray (heheh) and put the cast on my leg. The cast was dark purple. My favorite color. "Alright. I'm gonna prescribe some pain killers for you." Ray said as he scribbled something down on a piece of paper on a clipboard. After that he took out a pill jar and placed it on the counter. "Gerard make sure she takes these every morning with breakfast and in the evenings with dinner." He instructed and Gerard nodded. "Kay. Well Willow I will be back tomorrow afternoon to bring you some crutches. You take care now."

He said. "Thank you Ray." I said. Wow he was so caring and sweet, I hope we can be friends one day. He smiled and shook my hand again. "Sure thing!" He said and I smiled back. He then looked over at Gerard. "Hey Gee, can I talk to you in private?" He asked. Gee? So he has a nickname? Kind of cute. What the fuck?! No! Bad Willow! No saying nice things about the man who arrested you! "Yeah sure." Gerard nodded. They both walked out of the interrogation room and as soon as Gerard closed the door behind him I heard a click. Fucker locked me in! There weren't any windows in here for me to climb out of and that was the only door. I sighed and slumped down in my chair. It's gonna be a while before I get out of here...


Ray and I stepped outside the interrogation room and I made sure to lock the door behind me and we walked into my office. "So what's up?" I asked as I leaned against the wall. "Dude, she's a little kid. She looks like she's 12." Ray said with worry lacing her voice. I chuckled and shook my head. He thinks Willow's a child! She's that short! "Ray she's 20!" I laughed. The look on his face was priceless! "Seriously man? That little thing is 20?!" He yelled in shock, only making me laugh harder. He looked at the door then back at me. "Where's this chick from anyways?"

He asked. I stopped laughing and wiped away a tear and sighed. "Battery City." I replied, now being serious. A look of horror washed over Ray's face. He was speechless. I nodded and continued. "Yeah. She must be a run away." I said. "No shit! With what's been going on there lately with Better Living Industries. That poor thing. She's homeless, probably scared to death. I mean, she's only wanted by BL/ind for running away. I don't think she needs to be arres-"

"Ray, she's stolen from other cities making her a wanted criminal. I get that she's homeless and would do anything for food and it's a horrible thing for her. But she's still broken many laws. I have to keep her locked up whether I want to or not. It's my job...." I said, mumbling that last two sentences. It's true though, she doesn't deserve to be locked up, but I'm the sheriff and I need to do my job. I totally understand Ray's concern. He's a very caring person that you just can't hate. He's like a cartoon character. Ray sighed and nodded. I patted his shoulder and gave him a sad smile.

"It's only for four months, then she's free to go." I reassured. He seemed to relax at this. "How'd she get in here anyways?" He asked. "She climbed over the wall and landed on top of the store." I replied. Ray's head shot up and looked extremely confused and paranoid. "HOW THE HELL DID SHE GET OVER THE WALL?!!" He screamed. "She must have found some way over." I said not knowing myself. "You have to do something about the outer walls, Gerard! Otherwise anyone can get in!" He panicked. "Whoa whoa, Ray, easy! Don't worry! I'll get on that! I promise, as long as I'm the sheriff nothing bad will ever happen to this town!" I yelled, placing my hands on his shoulders. I had no idea just how wrong I was or what was to come for us...

He held still for a moment and took in a deep breath before nodding. An awkward silence broke out. I was the first to break it. "So... Are you and the guys ready for the parade this weekend?" I asked changing the subject. His smirk finally returned. "Hell yeah!" He smiled. Now that's what I like to hear. "Well I need to get going and attend to other patients." Ray said. I nodded and we walked towards the exit. "Don't forget about Willow's medication." He reminded. "I'll remember. One pill with breakfast and one with dinner." I said nodding. Ray nodded in approval. "See ya tomorrow then!" He said giving me a side hug. "Alright goodnight, Ray." I said before he took his leave.

Arrested By The Sheriff Of Emo TownWhere stories live. Discover now