Chapter 5

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Mallory's POV

While I'm walking from the house to the barn to check on Diablo clouds quickly appear in the sky, the sun disappears, and it gets dark fast. I keep walking then the rain starts pouring down and I get pelted with hail, there is a loud crack and a streak of lightning flashes across the sky. I quickly run in the barn and wait for the storm to pass because right now was not a good time to try and go back to the house with the storm going on.

Nick's POV

When the storm starts I quickly climb down off the roof and my clothes are soaked in a matter of second. I walk in the barn and stop in the doorway when I see Mallory standing there soaking wet with water droplets in her hair they drop then travel down her skin she was beautiful. Her temper was about as fiery as her horse but she was cool and collected too I feel my heart skip when she looks at me after she notices I'm in the barn with her. I walk over and stand next to her a few seconds later there is a loud clap of thunder she grabs my arm and moves closer to me and I feel her body gently brush against mine.

Vanessa's POV

While I'm walking to the tractor shed to take Kevin the parts he asked the clouds appear and it gets dark I don't think much about it because at the moment it wasn't doing anything. That quickly changes the storm starts and the rain starts pouring down I make it into the tractor shed just as the hail starts hitting the roof I sit down the parts then look around then walk over and look outside. I was too far from the barn and the house to walk back with the storm going on so I decide to wait here in the tractor shed.

Kevin's POV

The rain starts before I have the chance to finish looking at the other pieces of equipment to see if they still run I stop and run into the tractor shed. I'm surprised to see Vanessa standing there her clothes are wet and her long brown hair is cascading down her back and tiny droplets of water are falling from her hair into the floor. I study her face and look in her brown eyes when she looks up at me she's pretty and I see determination in her features and it makes me smile. I walk over to her and stand next to just as there is a loud clap of thunder she jumps then grabs my hand and I move closer to her.

Stacey's POV

Howie and I are outside working on the fences when the clouds cover the sun we keep working because this is the first bit of shade the two of us have had all day. The rain starts and we make a run for the front porch we get up the steps and the hail starts I guess the fences will have to wait until the sun is over. I peek inside the house through the window and wonder where Mallory and Vanessa have gotten off to.

Howie's POV

I look over at Stacey while she is watching the rain she's beautiful I see determination in her face and I know how much she loves her sisters and this ranch her grandfather gave her. I see more than just that I see pain and fear there too and I wonder who or what had hurt her in the past whoever it was I didn't need to meet him I would probably beat the crap out of him. Who would want to hurt Stacey, there is a loud clap of thunder and I look over at her and she is still watching it rain. You could tell that she was a strong person and I wanted to know more about her.

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