Chapter 29

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Mallory's POV

I sit up and wait for Vanessa to walk in when I hear the door open I glance over at the clock and see it is a little past one in the morning she shuts and locks the door behind her. I get up off the couch push her against the wall then flip on the light she looks at me "Mal what the hell?" "Why are you dating AJ he doesn't love you he will never feel the same way for you that Kevin does I'm also sick and tired of your attitude you are being moody with everyone I don't know if it's Kevin or what but the longer you stay with AJ the worse it gets I'm sick of Kevin too he's being an ass now both of you need to settle this." Vanessa sighs then rolls her eyes "It's my life stay out of this!! You can't tell me what to do" "I'm your older sister so I have the right and I wouldn't have to if you were smarter and one more thing if Kevin gets in any more fights with Nick and if you stir up any more trouble with AJ I'll start fighting got it." She doesn't say anything she knows I mean it she walks out of the room then goes upstairs.

Nick's POV

I wince in pain while Mallory cleans up my cuts and bruises from the fight with Kevin yesterday I try to pull away and start to say something but she grabs my hair and holds my head up to where I'm looking at her. "It wouldn't hurt as much if you would have let me do this yesterday." I sigh and cross my arms over my chest then start thinking to myself somehow there has to be a way to fix things between Kevin and Vanessa I know I'm not going to give up on this even if it means getting in another fight with him. When Mal loosens her grip on my hair I look up at her and she puts her hands on the side of my face "You're good to go." I nod my head then she kisses me I kiss back and pull her closer and feel pain shoot through my busted lip I pull away and look at her then wink "See you later." She nods I put on my hat then walk outside to start working.

Vanessa's POV

I walk outside then step off the porch but stop when I look up and see Kevin standing on the porch of the bunk house with a red head I stand there for a while and he never notices me. Kevin's kissing her and she's kissing back his hands go under her shirt and her hands reach for his jeans I feel different emotions I'm mad because we had to hide what we felt for months but he was doing this where everyone could see him the other emotion I was feeling is hurt that he moved on so quickly I can't believe that everything he said was true. I couldn't stay here and watch this I couldn't stay and watch Kevin with this girl this ranch was an important place and I loved my sisters more than anything but I needed to go somewhere I needed to get away I couldn't be around Kevin but there was one place and one person I could go to I could stay with AJ I turn around and go back inside then go to my room and start packing my stuff and start preparing myself for when I move out.

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