Chapter 45

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Kevin's POV

Ness and I walk in the kitchen the next morning and I see Mallory sitting there already I stop and look at her Howie or me would have to tell her that Nick wasn't going to be back for another month. Another guy walks in the kitchen and sits down by Mallory I'm not happy I couldn't believe the girls had hired someone else while all of us were gone and in the few seconds he had been in the kitchen I could tell there was something going on between and Mal they were familiar with each other and their bodies pulled toward each other this didn't help it just made things worse for me. He looks at me "Hi I'm Derek." I nod "I'm Kevin thank you for helping the girls out on the ranch." I don't say anything about him and Mal or what could happen with Nick gone I save that for later I look over at Stacey as she walks in the room with Howie "We need to talk later so we can go over everything that has been going on while we have been gone." Stacey nods "Sure Kevin." When I'm talking to her later I'll bring up what's going on between Mallory and Derek because it needed to end and something needed to be done about it.

Howie's POV

After we eat breakfast I catch Mallory before she goes out to the barn "Hey Mallory can we talk?" She nods "Sure Howie what's up?" I sigh then scratch the back of my neck and look at her I wasn't really sure on how I should tell her this "Nick stayed behind so he could earn some more money he's going to be gone for another month I'm so sorry about it I knew this was a bad idea Nick has a good reason for being gone so long don't be upset with him." She looks at me "Why does Nick need the money so bad? Is he in trouble?" I didn't want to ruin the surprise about Nick wanting to propose to her so I try to tell her something that's true but it won't ruin the surprise "No Nick isn't in trouble I can't say why he needs the money but he does want you to know that he loves you and misses you." She rolls her eyes "If that was true he would have come back home with you and Kevin." She leaves the kitchen and I hear the door slam I see her go past the window but instead of going to the barn she goes to the sheds and I wonder what she's doing.

Mallory's POV

I start walking and I don't pay attention to where I'm going I take a deep breath and try to blink back the tears that keeping forming in my eyes I don't know what I'm going to do I loved Nick but he clearly didn't love me enough to stay home and be with me plus he wouldn't let me know why he needed the money if that's how he felt I was done. I keep walking until I end up in one of the sheds I walk in and see Derek he stands up then looks at me I walk over and look at him I didn't want to feel anything and I really didn't want to think about Nick right now I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck he doesn't say anything but lets me continue I pull on his shirt then he pulls it off and throws it on the ground finally Derek gets the message. He picks me up and pushes me back on one of the tables and pulls off my shorts then he gets on top of me and unzips my jeans I wanted Derek and I wanted to feel his touch.

Kevin's POV

Stacey and I meet in the office and I shut the door behind me I look at her when she sits down at the desk "I want to know why the three of you decided to hire a guy like Derek I don't like it." She looks up at me "We needed help here Kevin all of you were gone the three of us couldn't do it alone we were exhausted from working all day long." I walk across the room and look out the window "I think this guy is nothing but a player the longer he is here something is going to happen." She sighs "I think something has already happened there's something going on between him and Mal she hasn't said anything about it and they aren't making it obvious but I can tell." I could tell this Derek guy is nothing but trouble and if there was something between him and Mallory I knew it would just end up hurting Nick he didn't deserve this plus he loved Mallory I was left with one decision I turn around and look back at Stacey "We need to fire him Derek has to leave." She nods "I agree." Now all we had to do was find a reason to fire him.

Vanessa's POV

Mallory and I are walking out to one of the orchards to gather some of the apples she stops then puts her hand on her stomach I stop walking and look at her "Mal?" She doesn't say anything because she bends over and starts throwing up I walk over and gather her hair in my hands. She stops and tries to take a breath but she continues throwing up a few minutes later she props against a tree and I look over at her "How long have you been sick Mal?" She shrugs "On and off for three months and I haven't had my period yet either." I step back the throwing up and the late period I look at her then figure it out Mallory is more than sick she's pregnant and there was only one person who the father could be based on the math it was Nick's baby. She looks at me "What is it Ness?" "I think you need to see a doctor or go buy a pregnancy test I think you're pregnant." She gasps then looks at me and looks down at her stomach "It's Nick's." I nod then she sits on the ground and I can tell that she is surprised and it hadn't occurred to her that she might be pregnant for her I really hoped that Nick came back soon.

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